Danio's And Micro Rasboras


Fish Aficionado
Jul 31, 2008
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hi all, ive got a lovely and peaceful living room tank (42 litres) with micro rasboras and a brace of male endlers. plus shrimp.

i just bought 3 leopard danios (spotted).

im just checking that they arent going to bully or eat any of my other tank mates...?

also the tank is open top, will they jump?
hi all, ive got a lovely and peaceful living room tank (42 litres) with micro rasboras and a brace of male endlers. plus shrimp.
Sounds lovely!

i just bought 3 leopard danios (spotted).
Uh oh!

im just checking that they arent going to bully or eat any of my other tank mates...?
Leopard danios do best in a 3ft aquarium and are also too active for small fish, I would say. Also they are schooling fish, so best kept in groups of 6+

also the tank is open top, will they jump?
Yes, they jump. Will they jump for you? No idea.. it depends on individual fish.
There are increased odds that they will be aggressive with each other and tankmates, having only got three, rather than a group of 6+.

I lost a Pearl Danio last autumn who jumped out unknowingly at the time, while I had the front half of the 620T lid off for a few minutes. It was only when I did a head count the next day I realised something was up and found a poor danio dead, covered in fluff

What possessed you to buy these fish for a nano tank (unless of course this is a short term quarantine)? Leopards are a variant on Zebra Danios and so they need a 4-foot tank, way too active for that tiny aquarium! Please seriously consider taking them back to the shop, or give them a suitable size home...
ahh, i had been mis-informed as to the variety of these fish. they will go back.
Nick16, can you post a photo of these fish, please?

Perhaps this mention of "Leopard" is throwing us off the scent of the real identity of the fish... Could they for instance be the "Gold Ring Danio," Danio tinwini?
they were labelled as danio's useful i know. i.e the common ones.

but i was fairly sure they were the small 'micro' danio's, but im not so sure once i got them home. i have returned them anyway.

think i will go with some ember tetra's or up my micro rasbora numbers.

not much else i can keep in an 18x12x12 (42l)
they were labelled as danio's useful i know. i.e the common ones.

but i was fairly sure they were the small 'micro' danio's, but im not so sure once i got them home. i have returned them anyway.

think i will go with some ember tetra's or up my micro rasbora numbers.

not much else i can keep in an 18x12x12 (42l)
I would just up the Microrasbora numbers, as I don't think there is room for another species of fish in your tank
Carlovel1 said:
I would just up the Microrasbora numbers, as I don't think there is room for another species of fish in your tank

Good advice. Agreed.

N0body Of The Goat said:
Nick16, can you post a photo of these fish, please?

Perhaps this mention of "Leopard" is throwing us off the scent of the real identity of the fish... Could they for instance be the "Gold Ring Danio," Danio tinwini?

Just an observation, speaking from experience keeping D. tinwini... SeriouslyFish (and other sites) lists them as growing to only 20-30mm but I have found that with a pretty standard flake diet + brine shrimp/bloodworms that many adults reach around 1.5" or just under 40 mm (and are still alive and theoretically still growing, albiet slowly). Not as big as a massive zebra/leopard, but certainly something to consider when looking to purchase these fish.
i think theres plenty of room left in the tank, as i only have 2 endlers and about 7 rasboras. plus its massively over filtered. 20x per hour to be precise.
i think theres plenty of room left in the tank, as i only have 2 endlers and about 7 rasboras. plus its massively over filtered. 20x per hour to be precise.
It will definitely take more fish (which has little to do with the over filtration), but that's different from saying that it will take more species (which is might do).

7 3cm rasboras (you haven't told us which species), is decent stocking for 42 litres.. the only addition I would personally consider from what you have said would be another 3 rasboras and 5 Otos (as you are missing bottom fish).
no, definately not ottos. they are not nano fish.

i think its a crime that people sell ottos as perfect fish for small tanks.

ive got alot of cherry shrimp and a couple of khuli's in there so the bottom is fine.

yeah it does have something to do with filtration.... larger media capacity = a larger capacity to breakdown detritus and waste.

rasboras are not 3cm, more like 1.5-3cm. boras briggitea.

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