danio tankmates


Fish Fanatic
Feb 8, 2005
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia

Currently i've got half a dozen zebra danios, but i'm looking into a bigger tank, probably around 50 gallon.
I want to put a few more types of danios in, but i'm not too sure what's a safe amount, I don't want it too crowded/busy.

Also, i'd possibly like to get something a little larger, maybe 1 or 2 bigger fish just to contrast the danios. But I worry that they'll get nipped at by the smaller fish. Is there anything that's compatible with them?
there are many fish that are good with the fast swimming danios.
aside from the variouse danios (see my website, link at the bottom)
for a bigger danio to compliment the ZD's look for bengal danios, which max out at 10cm

barbs are good tank mates as are many tetras. then there are rasboras.
for bottom dwellers you can have cories and or loaches
you should aviod slow moving fish and fish with long fins like guppies.


(sorry about the popups on my site)

The shop I usually go to has some giants and leopards, I think some pearl too, I grabbed the one golden zebra, beautiful fish! I think i'm liking the idea of some rasboras and cories too. Saw some panda cories which I quite liked. :D

I do like some of the barbs too. Now I know what to look for, I can look a bit more closely. :)
Neon Tetras do well with them too. I have a school of 6 neons and 7 Zebra Danios and they school together quite well. I have also noticed that danios go towards the bottom and swim with the cories :thumbs:

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