Danio tank mates?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 27, 2004
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I have a 29 gallon tank that is still cycling, and so far has three danios and a pleco in it. The pleco will be moving eventually as he is expected to be a big boy, but I do want to get more fish. What types will get along with my danios? I was thinking dwarf gouramis but I need some ideas for bottom fish. Help!
Cory cats are always a great addition to any tank. They are active and very amusing little schooling bottom dwellers that will add a lot of life to your tank.

I also have three zebra danios in my tank, and they get along with everything thats in there. Just look in my siggy to see what else they live with. They love the silvertip tetras, as the silvertips are fast enough to keep up with them. ;)
55 gallon u.s.
1 Pearl gourami
1 Siamese badis
2 Honey Gouramis
2 Peppered Cories
3 Bolivian Rams
4 Otos
5 Danios
6 Serpaes
2 Dwarf or Chain loaches
The bold fish are compatible with danios in my tank
I agree with what the others said, but I have one thing to add. If you're going to add corys, it is best not to add them until your tank has finished cycling. IMO.
My tank contents is listed below, everyone in my little tank gets along great with the five danios.



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