Danio Rosues v Abolineatus


Fish Crazy
Oct 26, 2004
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I have got both Roseus and Abolineatus. The cardinal difference is that the Aboineatus have a blue/orange line extending from the tail half way along the body and with the Roseus this line is either non existent or only goes a few mm from the tail.

However I read that the Roseus is only 5cm while the Abolineatus is 7/8 cm.

My Roseus are growing as big as my Abolineatus, any thoughs anyone?
D. Roseus
Dorsal spines (total): 0; Dorsal soft rays (total): 10; Anal spines: 0; Anal soft rays: 15-17. Incomplete lateral line, without infraorbital process, with 7 branched dorsal-fin rays and modally 13 branched anal-fin ray. Can be distinguished from all other Danio species by the combination of having two pairs of long barbels, and lacking horizontal dark stripes posteriorly along the sides.

D. Albolineatus
Dorsal soft rays (total): 7; Anal soft rays: 12-13. Incomplete lateral line, without infraorbital process; with 6-7 branched dorsal fin rays and 13-14 branched anal fin rays. Two pairs of long barbels. Rostral barbels reaching to or slightly anterior to vertical through the middle of the orbit; maxillary barbels exceed the origin of pectoral fin. Vertical scale rows 30-31, predorsal scale rows 16. Pharyngeal teeth in three rows, 5, 4, 2; 2, 4, 5. Body pink with two light yellow-white (iridescent in life) stripes from below dorsal origin to caudal base.

HTH :)
Thanks wolf. I'm 99% sure that they are mainly Roseus.

I think that the Roseus can possibly grow as big as Abolineatus in the right conditions, although Kerri are definitely smaller.

It's looking like some of my older fry might be roseus/kerri or abolineatus/roseus hybrids. Occuptational hazard when you collect fry from a community tank. The biggest fry are about 1cm long and they have a distinct long orange line and an all over rosy sheen.

The male Kerri in particular seem happy to hybridise with any other danio.

It's going to be interesting when they grow bigger, if they are hybrids, to see whether they are sterile or not. My kerri/rerio hybrids were. Pity as they were absolutely spectacular!

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