Danio Ill???


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Leicester, England
I have a Leopard Danio that seems to be eating fine and quite enjoying life but his/her belly does seem on the big size and .....excuse me....... it's bottom seems rather red!!

Now I do have a lot of bottom feeders and not many top feeders so I think it could be that he may be overeating. I know it doesn't have dropsy although I did lose a danio last week to unknown illness. That one floated around top of tank, seemed very week and was struggling for breath. This one does not have those symptons yet so I'm not too sure.

All water parameters are within stated values and all corys, plec and platies seem in fine fettle!!!

The red on the bottom is it a red patch or all over the bottom, are the gills red and inflamed, can he maintain his balance in the water, are scales sticking out like a pinecone, try a shelled pea, and what do you feed your fish.
The patch seems internal, like I say, it may have been there all the time and I am just being a bit paranoid. Scales are not sticking out and gills are not inflamed although they were on last danio that went down.

Treated the tank with anti-bacterial agent following last death as well. Feed on a variety of food, no particular order as to what gets fed each day. Frozen bloodworm, flake and granules and also sinking wafers for catfish although top feeders do tuck in sometimes!!
When you say internal do you mean it looks like bleeding under the skin.
Sort of?? :/ :/

Quite hard to explain I suppose??

You know how the bleeding heart tetra looks?

It is a bit like that but on it's bum :lol: :lol:
Bacterial Disease

1) Aeromonas hydrophila (Bacterial Hemorrhagic Septicemia)

A) Gram negative motile rods

B) Effects many freshwater species and usually is associated with stress and overcrowding.

C) The clinical signs and lesions are variable.

The most common finding is hemorrhage in skin, fins, oral cavity and muscles with superficial ulceration of the epidermis. Occasionally cavitary ulcers (similar to A. salmonicida) are observed. Exophthalmus and ascites are commonly observed. Splenomegaly and swollen kidneys are common. Histologically, multifocal areas of necrosis in the spleen, liver, kidney and heart with numerous rod shaped bacteria are observed.

D) Diagnosis is rendered by culturing the organism from affected animals: Remember this is a common water saprophyte with a great variation in virulence in serotypes.

E) Disease is transmitted via contaminated water or diseased fish.
Does it sound like that.
A little bit like that but the thing is the fish seems totally fine and since starting this thread there has been no downturn in behaviour or health!!

Like I said, I hope it is just me being paranoid!!
If you can issolate the fish you can treat him with anti internal bacteria med, good luck.

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