R ronkey New Member Joined May 1, 2006 Messages 52 Reaction score 0 Location Enfield, England Jun 1, 2006 #1 At the moment I believe I have two danio fry in my tank could any one tell me how long it takes for them to develp in to adults
At the moment I believe I have two danio fry in my tank could any one tell me how long it takes for them to develp in to adults
T Tempestuousfury Fish Aficionado Joined Sep 25, 2003 Messages 4,790 Reaction score 4 Location Illinois Jun 2, 2006 #2 Months... Depends on if they are eaten and what you feed them as well, since improper nutrition will result in stunted growth. Are you able to move the fry to another tank?
Months... Depends on if they are eaten and what you feed them as well, since improper nutrition will result in stunted growth. Are you able to move the fry to another tank?