Danio fry surprise!


Fish Addict
Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
I have a little problem. While I was vacuming my tank, I noticed Danio fry being sucked up from the vacum. I wasn't planning on breeding but would like to know how to take care of them. I put them in a 5 gal tank and they just sit at the bottom and hardly move. Is this normal? Are there any homemade foods I could feed them, or is it too soon? Should I use a filter or just keep changing the water? Is it possible to get a breeding net and put them back in the original tank? Sorry about all the questions, just trying to do the right thing.

Congratulations on the Danio Fry.

They will not do much for a day or two, either sitting on the bottom or sticking to the glass. Once they are free swimming they will need food.

I use liquifry infusoria and when they are a little bigger dried fry food (essentially ground flakes)

Expect a few to die but I see no reason why 50% of your fry wont survive to adulthood
You also need to raise the temperature to 82F.

Congrates and good luck
Thanks for the help everybody. I was thinking of getting a small breeding net a placing them back in my main tank until they get a little bigger. I don't have an extra filter right now. At least this way I know that the water will be cleaner than having them in the little 5 gal. Would this work? Thanks.
Yes - but the mesh must be really fine, I hatched some danio fry in an interpet net last week. (The square one with the green supports) as I didnt want the eggs vunerble to my 2 week old fry.
KerriPaul said:
Yes - but the mesh must be really fine, I hatched some danio fry in an interpet net last week. (The square one with the green supports) as I didnt want the eggs vunerble to my 2 week old fry.
Thanks for your help. The fry are really tiny right now. I hope they wont fall through. How long do you think I can keep them in the net for? How about using two nets? Thanks again.
The fry should be ok for a couple of weeks in the net

Any longer and thier growth will be slowed down unless you only have a handful in which case they should be ok for a couple of months.
KerriPaul said:
The fry should be ok for a couple of weeks in the net

Any longer and thier growth will be slowed down unless you only have a handful in which case they should be ok for a couple of months.
Sounds good. I'll have to get a bigger tank eventually. Thanks again.

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