Dangerously Skinny Platy


New Member
Apr 18, 2007
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Brisbane, Australia
So a couple of weeks ago i got 3 female platys from my LFS which i happen to work at. I already had 2 male platys and an oto in my 10 gallon tank which has been set up and running for over 4 years. I decided to restock my tank a couple of months ago. So anyway i picked out some females, one of which i am sure is pregnant. I dont think they are that old as they are all probably around 2cms.

Im particularly worried about one of them. She was already skinny when i got her and i thought that she might of fattened up once she was in her new home. This didnt happen. Shes still very very skinny, and her stomach is starting to get a bit concaved. She has been very lathargic tonight and is refusing to eat anything, even bloodworms.

Is there anything i can do to help her eat? Im afraid that she might pass away over night :sad:
What is the temperature in your tank?
How many fish do you have in the tank now total?
Did you isolate or quarentine any of your fish before introducing them?

Do you know if she had babies lately? Sometimes this can happen to platies right after they had babies. Sometimes they will not eat for a bit because of the hormones that are released right after giving birth. She may still be in the rebuilding stage of getting over having babies.
What is the temperature in your tank?
How many fish do you have in the tank now total?
Did you isolate or quarentine any of your fish before introducing them?

Do you know if she had babies lately? Sometimes this can happen to platies right after they had babies. Sometimes they will not eat for a bit because of the hormones that are released right after giving birth. She may still be in the rebuilding stage of getting over having babies.

Possible bacterial infectin if her stomach is going hollow and not eating, look for signs of ulcers, is she having trouble staying upright when swimming??
Sounds like internal parsites to med.
What does it look like when the fish goes to the toilet.
Enlarged anus or red and inflamed.
Being skinny when eating, is interanl parasites, fish tb, to flukes.
Sadly she didnt make it. :sad:
Eveything looked normal apart her being too skinny. I dont think she had any babies lately. She was still fairly young.

Temp in the tank was around 26c.
Fish in the tank are 2 male platys and now 2 female platys, also 1 oto.
I didnt isolate or quarentine the fish before putting them in my tank. I havent got the space for a quarentine tank.
She wasnt having trouble swimming at all. She looked normal when going to the toilet.

Should i treat the rest of the tank with some sort of medication incase they get whatever she had?
What colour was her poo, didn't look red did it.
Nope it wasnt red. It was the colour of whatever she had been eating.
I know that might sound strange since she was really skinny. But she was eating little bits of flake whenever i fed the other fish.
It was just last night that she was refusing to eat. Even if the food was touching her mouth she just wouldnt eat it. :blink:
Well if a fish was really skinny and was still eating looking at flukes which can be external as well as internal, internal parasites like camallous worms which livebeares are prone to, to fish tb.

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