dang got me a snail...


I know you agree
Mar 1, 2004
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Calgary Alberta,
I found a snail in my fry tank wasn't there before and Had bought a plant about a month ago, I don't see any others and this is a glass bottom tank I have no snail eating fish, so I was hopeing I could use snail killer chemicals without any rot complications what do you think,
I would also like to keep the snail provided it remains one snail if I transfred it to another tank dureing chemical treatment, will this prevent any change in the snail population or do they carry eggs or such on them in some way I don't know just someway I can make sure this snail remains one snail
Another complication regards the fact I have no lid, at all on the tank steped on it and broke it last week, so could it get out?
I know a few things about apple snails, but not much about any other species. If your snail was introduced to your tank from a plant then I don’t think it is an apple snail. I read that snails are good for fry tanks ‘cause they promote infusoria which is eaten by fry. But if you don’t want the snail, get rid of it or get some loaches(I wouldn’t use any chemicals) .You should try and identify it, before you move it to another tank (try www.applesnail.net or try snail species in the important topics) cause most snails(not apple snails) do breed on their own.
If you have no hood on your tank, the snail could escape. Hore I’ve helped
Thankyou I've been busy but kinda figure from rains pinnedpost that it is a apple snail based on shell shape, but I don't see the snorkle that is mentioned on that applesnail website
What is the size of the snail? If it's only 1/4" or so it's likely a common pond snail. If you don't ever see the tube or whatever then I doubt that it's an apple snail. I had one once and he had that tube out often enough that I could see it easily.
Yeah that might be it then it's about a 1/4 inch possibly a small bit larger but nmot much, are these good snails, that will keep the tank clean a little but not breed?
I think I read that they will breed even if there's only one snail. Personally I haven't found them to be pests and the population of them isn't that high in my tank. Trumpet snails, on the other hand, have multiplied like crazy. I feed every other day sometimes every 3rd day. I did find that they cleaned up the tank a little (both the round snails and the trumpets) but they didn't do nearly as good of a job as the nerites.

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