Dang Common Pleco


Fish Fanatic
Oct 23, 2003
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He's eating all my nice plant's is there anything I can do besides removing the plant's from the tank.

I have been feeding him algae tablets and he still is eating plan't like nuts.

He's been in the tank for about 1 yr now and I almost have no plant's left.

that's the last time I get a common Plec....

Help guys is there anything that can be done to save the plant's

No I don't want to get rid of the Pleco.

You won't be able to save the particular plants so let him eat those... then replace them with plants that he cannot eat. I'm no good with plants and remembering species and stuff but I think Amazon Swords are quite difficult to eat and I'm sure there are others - someone else may be able to help you better or do a google search. :)
I have 2 amozon swords that he has almost completely eaten.

This sucks does anyone know of a plant that he may not eat.

:p Amazon swords was just an educated guess lol... I'm not sure of the plants that won't get eaten - bad memory with plants...
Plecos LOVE vegitation and thats what they eat in the wild. There is no way to stop them from eating something natural to their diet.

Your only option is fake plants which I can see you will not like.
chuck in some cucumber for him, it might save some of your plants
hmm... Our common hasnt eaten our plants... (or has he??)

they do take a pasting - but our black rosy barbs get the blame...

I'll have to keep an eye out - I bet its the plec now :D

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