Dancing Fish

The popular theory is that the fish have swallowed metal/magnets to allow their movements to be controlled via the movement of magnets under the table. Seems likely; if you watch closely you'll notice one of them seemingly struggling to swim in a different direction toward the end.
I didnt like that! If those fish were being controlled "under the table" that is awful!
I'd like a copy because I can't seem to watch videos unless I download it. PM me and I'll give you my e-mail address.
Yeah for real. I hope they aren't but now I think they are. A friend sent it to me because she said I "understand fish language". The magnet thing seems very plausible though. Some human beings don't respect animals very much which is a huge topic isn't it?
interesting.. the guys in the video are speaking japanese, but the subtitles are in mandarin, BUT the guy who narrates in the background later is speaking in mandarin with a really heavy taiwanese accent. haha~ amusing. no mention of magnets by the chinese dude though (too bad i can't tell what those japanese dudes are saying)!
Has anyone watched any japanese tv shows? They do some weird things. I would not be suprised if magnets are involved ! That would be sad. It did seem to be controled though.
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I would put money on the fact that they're using magnets or something similar. If you pay any attention at all, you will see that the fish aren't even showing any signs of TRYING to swim throughtout most of the video. They are just gliding along most of the time. Caudal fins hardly moving, and pectoral fins also rarely moving. The last part of their bodies hardly wiggles either!

SO, unless fish have learned to swim and turn without moving any muscles, I think some form of magnet is involved.


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