Dancing Cory?


May 17, 2006
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Virginia, U.S.A.
Yesterday I put an albino cory in the tank with it's bud the ADF. Today the little bronze cory is swimming up to the albino and doing a shimmy thing and trying to slide under the albino or following it all over the tank doing that dance.. Does the bronze have the urge to merge?
ROFL!!! I'm sorry, I don't have an answer for you, but "urge to merge" cracked me up! XD They may be, but I don't think two different species of cory can successfully breed.
it is indeed pre-spawning activity, my cories did it loads before they spawned. bronze albino and regular bronze cories are both the same species, just one is a colour morph or has no pigmentation or whatever the definition of albino is, so yeah im pretty sure bronze and albino can spawn.
Thanks guys. I guess that means I might get eggs someday. chibi that was an old saying we used around our younger sibs when we were teens. Told them it meant dancing.
Hi madmom :)

If your bronze and albinos are both C. aeneus, you will have no problem breeding their fry. Some of them will just turn out to be bronze and others will be albino. They will have no related health problems either.

Are you sure you have a male an a female in your tank? Regardless of gender, all corys like to play, and it's possible that their behavior is just them having some good clean fish fun. :lol:
Could be but it leaves the other cory alone. Embarassing to admit at my age but I can't tell the male from the female cory. Is there another way other than looking at them from above as the tank is up high so my idiot cat won't try to climb in the tank. Stupid cat loves water and I have to lock the bath door when the kids bathe or she'll join them in the tub.
Hi madmom :)

If you can see their ventral fins, the female's will be larger and more round than the male's. She uses them to carry her eggs to their resting place after they are fertilized. The male's fins are smaller and a bit more pointy. :D
Thanks Inchworm that should be easy as they like to swim up the plants and rest on top of them.

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