

New Member
Jan 9, 2009
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are the damselfishes agressive amongst each other i have a spare tank and i was concidering making a salt water tank and i was at pet co and i saw the neon blue damselfish and i wanted to get one or two of them for a 14 gallon tank
I keep 3 humbugs in a 50G and they are fine to be honest. The largest one chases the others every now and then but nothing serious. I also have a 1cm cubed baby boxfish (before it got sucked into powerhead :( ) and after they checked him out, gave him a tail swat a few times, that was it and they co-existed without a problem.

I have been told they are agressive, maybe more so when they get older. Trial and error.
Aggression gets really bad in small tanks. I wouldn't advise it.
"Neon blue" damselfish... could these be one of the Neoglyphidodon species? If so, I wouldn't advise them at all. Quite mean, especially as adults. And they lose their colour.

For that size tank I would recommend gobies or darters. Just as interesting and colourful but with almost none of the aggression.
I must add that if you do decide to get them, don't get them from petco. Theres always some sort of disease in those tanks if you take a closer look.

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