Damn You Killi


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
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Ok So I got some New Neons and Mountain Clouds On Thursday.
After Managing to Catch my Senegal.

So i got 4 Neons and 4 White Mountain Clouds.

Well after climatizing them, I netted them from their bags. (I Never add the water from the bag to the tank)

AS i dipped the Net into the Tank.

WHOOOOSH, My largest Killis Charged them and swam right into the net and gobbled 3 in 1 go.

As soon as this happened the other 2 charged them aswell.

So only 2 Survived.

DAMN KILLI, You could Say i was Angry, DAMN Straight I was Angry.
The LFS I wanted to get them from has been closed all week and he gets larger tetras in. So I was Left getting these from another Place I use.

Well I decided to Redo the Tank and, have done a Planted Tank with some Palms as well, and a really big leaved plant.
Put in lots of slate roacks and slate Tiles to lean against the rocks to make caves.

So Yesterday i went back to the Shop and told him what happened and he Gave me Large Black Neons + 2 Harlequins. They look really and and add something different to the tank.

The Surviving WMC and Neon are schoaling with them and they look Lovely.

I saw some Purple Harlequins but they looked really fake.

So Once the Other LFs Opens Again "if he does, i hope he hasn't closed down".
I am gonna get some Lemon Tetras.
You really should research the fish you have :crazy: Golden wonder panchax or killie as it is being sold recently is one of the largest killies and is a predator which will actively pursue and eat smaller fish, if you have fish under 2" in the tank they will be eaten in time, tetras do not make good tankmates for predatory fish.
It's Alright now, the new neons are very large.

It was My fault, I was thinking of the killis we had when we were younger. When I bought these, As they are top Layer they are Sharing with the African Butterfly and he keeps them in Check. My swordtail Swims with them as well.

I have Learnt My Mistakes and won't be repeating them again.

It was just I did not think that they would attack the fish while still in the net.

P.S The Lemon Tetras are Bigger than the Black Neons, so they will be fine.
A panchax will take full grown adult neons easily, you really shouldnt keep anything smaller than the panchax in the same tank, adult male goldenwonder panchax get to about 4".

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