Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Ok So I got some New Neons and Mountain Clouds On Thursday.
After Managing to Catch my Senegal.
So i got 4 Neons and 4 White Mountain Clouds.
Well after climatizing them, I netted them from their bags. (I Never add the water from the bag to the tank)
AS i dipped the Net into the Tank.
WHOOOOSH, My largest Killis Charged them and swam right into the net and gobbled 3 in 1 go.
As soon as this happened the other 2 charged them aswell.
So only 2 Survived.
DAMN KILLI, You could Say i was Angry, DAMN Straight I was Angry.
The LFS I wanted to get them from has been closed all week and he gets larger tetras in. So I was Left getting these from another Place I use.
Well I decided to Redo the Tank and, have done a Planted Tank with some Palms as well, and a really big leaved plant.
Put in lots of slate roacks and slate Tiles to lean against the rocks to make caves.
So Yesterday i went back to the Shop and told him what happened and he Gave me Large Black Neons + 2 Harlequins. They look really and and add something different to the tank.
The Surviving WMC and Neon are schoaling with them and they look Lovely.
I saw some Purple Harlequins but they looked really fake.
So Once the Other LFs Opens Again "if he does, i hope he hasn't closed down".
I am gonna get some Lemon Tetras.
After Managing to Catch my Senegal.
So i got 4 Neons and 4 White Mountain Clouds.
Well after climatizing them, I netted them from their bags. (I Never add the water from the bag to the tank)
AS i dipped the Net into the Tank.
WHOOOOSH, My largest Killis Charged them and swam right into the net and gobbled 3 in 1 go.
As soon as this happened the other 2 charged them aswell.
So only 2 Survived.
DAMN KILLI, You could Say i was Angry, DAMN Straight I was Angry.
The LFS I wanted to get them from has been closed all week and he gets larger tetras in. So I was Left getting these from another Place I use.
Well I decided to Redo the Tank and, have done a Planted Tank with some Palms as well, and a really big leaved plant.
Put in lots of slate roacks and slate Tiles to lean against the rocks to make caves.
So Yesterday i went back to the Shop and told him what happened and he Gave me Large Black Neons + 2 Harlequins. They look really and and add something different to the tank.
The Surviving WMC and Neon are schoaling with them and they look Lovely.
I saw some Purple Harlequins but they looked really fake.
So Once the Other LFs Opens Again "if he does, i hope he hasn't closed down".
I am gonna get some Lemon Tetras.