damn sucking loaches...


Fish Crazy
Mar 2, 2005
Reaction score
Somerset UK
ok here's my situation, after "advice" from a lfs i bought 3 sucking loaches (very good at cleaning and very friendly to a community aquarium<apparently>), which was all fine and dandy till i bought a book which told me of the aggresive behavior of these fish, i found a buddy who aggreed to take them off of me but has now refused due to behavior problems and i cant get back to the shop where i bought them, the only shop i can get to refuses to take them and no-one seems to like them at all (its only in thier nature, i know, but no-one wants them).
now they've stated to pick off my fish one by one. i found a female betta this morning with no eyes and being eaten by a loach. also one of them had suckered onto my angel.
i dont even have a quarantine tank anymore as it got smashed by someone playing silly buggers.
what can i do with them now?
They are often mis-sold and do cause problems in general community tanks. I'd suggest ringing round all your local fish shops and see if any will take them. Failing that, you're a bit stuck.

Sorry I can't help more
The only thing I can suggest is if you can't get your lfs to take them, then see if you can get hold of a cheap quarantine tank (I think you can get acrylic ones quite cheap) to put them in and then see if you can sell them. Unless you can get a divider of some sort for the tank until you find someone to take them.

Sorry I can't be of more help
please do not ever flush live fish. not only is this cruel, it also would endanger your local ecosystem should any fish survive. please either follow the euthanisation topic pinned above or simply behead the fish.

it should be our goal as responsible fish-keepers to never be in the position where we must euthanize our fish.

that being said, Ferris gives good advice. and definitely call up the shop where you bought them and complain about the misinformation.

if you use a five gallon bucket for water changes and have a spare airpump, the two can be combined into a "quarantine tank" in a pinch. really, any large clean container would do; i ask about a 5-gal simply because it would have less agitaton (and resulting stress) than in a smaller container.
I dont know about Alabama, but my local sewer is a closed cold water system. Also, the system includes solid waste grinders so large brown trout :D dont clog the system near the treatment plant. No worrys there. I live in a cold clime also.
A $2 fish (that I was misled into buying) starts killing fish I actually care about it goes bye bye. In the time it took to net the little ^%$#, get it onto a cutting board, pin down, and then decapitate I would hazard it would have already been killed by ice cold toilet water, likely more humanely than with my skill with a knife.
ok finally got rid of the loaches, found a shop that'd take them and got some free bogwoo and plants for them!!!
So glad to hear you got someone to take them. For future reference you can spend about $5 on a tank divider until a solution arises.

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