I have just finished my degree and am applying for work near my dads house so of course, I decided I needed some fish to populate this otherwise fish barren home. I have set up a heated filtered bowl for a betta, an 8 gallon brackish tank for some bumble bee gobies and a puffer, and when I went to the lfs earlier to buy some plastic plants for the bowl, and some rocks for the brackish tank, I noticed they had an order of new tanks in, and accidentally bought a 10 gallon bow front coldwater tank with light and filter for £36.50
So I now have a home for some ADFs!!
All the tanks are empty with media maturing in established tanks....and I'm having to sort out all my stuff to sell at a car boot to make space in my tiny room...everything must be sacrificed for the fish!!
All the tanks are empty with media maturing in established tanks....and I'm having to sort out all my stuff to sell at a car boot to make space in my tiny room...everything must be sacrificed for the fish!!