Damn done it again


Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
Leicester, England
I have just finished my degree and am applying for work near my dads house so of course, I decided I needed some fish to populate this otherwise fish barren home. I have set up a heated filtered bowl for a betta, an 8 gallon brackish tank for some bumble bee gobies and a puffer, and when I went to the lfs earlier to buy some plastic plants for the bowl, and some rocks for the brackish tank, I noticed they had an order of new tanks in, and accidentally bought a 10 gallon bow front coldwater tank with light and filter for £36.50 :D So I now have a home for some ADFs!!

All the tanks are empty with media maturing in established tanks....and I'm having to sort out all my stuff to sell at a car boot to make space in my tiny room...everything must be sacrificed for the fish!! :D
Another case of MTS - happens to lots of us and, unfortunately, there's no known cure :no:
Hey Im glad you started this post. That gives me an evil idea. B) I think when I come home with a new tank in a few weeks I will tell my bf it was anaccident. :lol:
ya think he'll buy it?
It can happen all too easily. I went to a LFS to exchange an algae scraper my girlfriend bought (she got one for an acrylic tank, mine's glass) and walked out with a 30g tank, heater, lights, filter, air pump, gravel, plants & rock :S

Went in with a £2 algae scraper and walked out with £200 worth of kit..........and a £2 algae scraper :rolleyes:
when my hubby took me shopping for my last tank he asked if i was going to do salt water. i told him that this was going to be a tropical community tank but the next one might be saltwater, then the next one will be discuc, then cichlid then i want a custom size for a stingray. he just sat there staring at me like i was nuts for already having half adozen tank planned right off the top of my head.
Thats funny :lol:

Infact a couple of months ago when I got my 3rd 55g tank I walked up to the door and siad to my wife.....It wasn't my fault It was a complete accident!! :whistle:

Then she said Oh ok and walked off...not mad not nothing she infact acted normal and calm hehehe......Then 1 week after I got the tank she brought home a Brand new furniture!!! :eek:

2 leather sofas 2 leather love seats and a couple of kitchen chairs......Suprise suprise I deserved it LOL.....But then agian we needed new furniture.

So The next Time I want to buy a tank I have to wonder what My wife is going to bring home :look:
just dont go anyware near eBay... its down hill from there :)

we've got 4 of the 5 tanks going now :)
Heh Sailfingirl, It was an accident because...er....they forced me to buy it??? and it wasnt my fault in any way whatsoever??

ps...noone tell my boyfriend :whistle:
well, i accidently bid on a 130 gal on ebay. still got 3 days to go, but i just might accidently win B) hubby says he will take me to pick it up if i do. can't have any negative feedback you know. :cool:
mts has just hit me.

i got the tanks in my sig

i got a betta i got a big gold fish bowl with feeder goldfish

im also planning on getting a 4 foot tank after i got As on my report card

and the good thing is that my dad encourages me cuz he likes silver sharks and i told him he can only get them if hge buys me a bigger tank. go figure

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