Damanged Pectorial Fin


Jun 22, 2004
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I set up my spawning tank today, and i was conditioning my males and females for the past 4 weeks. All was well, until the first pair i put in. They were doing fine, the occasional nipping. ERG. My female's fins are all fine, no scales missing, but he had charged and nipped her right at her right pectorial fin :( so now she wont move it, it's basically pressed against her body, and she isn't using it at all... soo.. i removed her... just want to know what will help her heal.

Thanks for your time :D
hmm, I just put melafix in there... hopefully that'll do :/ I need to find some bettamax. and some cash XD
YAY! the melafix musta worked... because she's using it again! <3 Lol I'm talking to myself, but that's because it's about 4:30am and all the smart people are sleeping. That must mean I'm dumb by default.

Anywho, thanks who read the topic <3 I'm happy now XD lol
That's a really good thing! Hope everything turns out for the best and that your betta lives! :thumbs: :cool:
Yup, she's doing quite well, thankfully. The only female i'm truly worried about is my doubletail halfmoon. I just got her today, and I was transfering her to a larger tank, but the moron I was, I forgot to put a lid on her cup, and she jumped out. I didn't realize she was missing until I stepped on her. Luckilly I didn't put any weight down, and felt her before I actually did any real damage. So imidately, she looked dead, but I know bettas can survive out of water for a little while, so I got her into water, and she imidately became lively. Though she didn't care to eat... I washed her off, since she had some lint stuck to her. I put a little bit of melafix in her container, and she seems to be doing better. I seriously hope she'll recover. She looks content though :)
Good thing you didn't put any weight on your step! Poor betta, hope she recovers too! :thumbs:
yeah :( i was so heartbroken.

She seems to be doing well :D she got her color back.. lets see if she'll eat.

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