My african bush coral does not seem to have expanded to it's usual size today, and on closer inspection I found that the fleshy area at the base has split slightly. There is also some brown dicolouring on some parts of the base. I have repositioned the coral as the current seemed to be blowing it over slightly but it still seems to be wilting.
Could my hermit crabs be picking at its base?
I should also mention that I saw a small brown sea slug in my tank a few days ago. Is this a more likely culprit? If so how should I remove it?
could my bubble tip anemone be chemically attacking my coral? Help! I'm really quite stuck!
Could my hermit crabs be picking at its base?
I should also mention that I saw a small brown sea slug in my tank a few days ago. Is this a more likely culprit? If so how should I remove it?
could my bubble tip anemone be chemically attacking my coral? Help! I'm really quite stuck!