Dalmation Mollies


Oct 4, 2003
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I went to my lfs today to buy some platies, which they didn't have. So I got two dalmation mollies instead. I did all the research on platies but not mollies so I have a few questions. How do i tell the males and females apart? I think I have at least one female because the guy at the lfs said one was pregnant but I'm still not sure. Is 78 degrees F a good temperature for them because I'm getting conflicting reports? And I know that livebearers are suppose to get along well with each other but i have one male swordtail who lived all alone in the tank for a month. I'm scared he'll be territorial. Oh and do sword and mollies breed ? Thanks
mollies are a lot like platies (though some will tell you mollies need to be in a brackish enviro, this is NOT necessarily true, depends on how they were kept at your lfs). you tell them apart the same as platys, look for either a rounded anal fin or a gonopodium. 78 degrees is good. i've read anywhere between 68 (which i think is too cold) to 82 degrees F. i keep mine at around 76/78 degrees F. they will eat flakes like platys. they are normally peaceful, but my crazy mollies, the lyretails, seem to be a bit on the territorial side, though i wouldnt call them aggressive. my regular molly is pretty passive though. i'm sure your swordtail will welcome the company. i've heard of breeding swordtails with mollies, but its not common. i wouldn't worry about it. enjoy your new mollies!!!!! :D
I had a Dalmation Molly for about a day. She was real "bossy" to my other fish...slamming them into glass, chasing them...so I took her back. However, the lfs failed to tell me, the females usually are kept "in line" if they have a male to keep them company. So now I have three mollies...one male, two females (one which is part dalmation) and they are quite peaceful.
Thanks for the info. So now i definitely know I have two females. i decided to relesase them into the tank right away and not quarantine them, as I only have one fish in the tank. And they seem to be adjusting quiet well. The swordtail first studied them for a while but now he's chasing them around, I think trying to mate with them. So I guess I'll need to buy a female swordtail soon and maybe a male dalmation too. But they are really beautiful fish, i'm glad i got them :)

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