Dainty Corys (Not Pygmys)


May 24, 2005
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Western Washington
I was at my LFS last night and when I asked if they ever have Pygmy Corys come in the guy said they just sold out of Dainty Corys which only get up to 1/4" as adults. He said they are wild caught, not "man made". I'd never heard of 'em but I'm new at this and only recently found out about Pygmy Corys. Anybody know anything about them? I'm curious now.
Hi oneponygirl :)

There are three species of corys that are tiny in size. These are called C. pygmaeus, C. habrosus and C. hastatus. The C.habrosus is sometimes referred to as the "dainty cory."

Here's a link with more information about them:


They are all similar in size, which is much smaller than most of the other corys and are delightful little fish. They do, however, get a bit bigger than the size the man at your lfs told you. :D
Holy cow, that's quite the website! Thanks for the info. I read about the Dainty and Dwarf corys but I couldn't find a fact sheet there about the Pygmy cory although it is briefly mentioned on the fact sheet of both the others. Do you know where I can read about it.
I'll just add that I now have all three species mentioned :D
I have found that C.hastatus are the larger and more active of the three
they even swim for quite a while in the mid region of the tank.
Well, maybe you can advise me then. I want to add 5 or 6 if I can, I would like something that would be active on the bottom since I don't have anything that hangs out down there yet although I don't mind if they are middle swimmers some of the time. I currently have sand as substrate, a flower pot on it's side and plastic plants for decor. I have plans for live plants to replace the plastic and want to get a small piece of slate and a small piece of bogwood for decor. If any would be a better match than the others please let me know. It sounds like the LFS guy I talked to can at least get the pygmaeus and the habrosus with no problem but I hadn't asked him about the hastatus. I can always call back. :)
I like C. habrosus the best out of the three
not so small that you have to "hunt" for them
not so large that they are "in your face"
they are the most active forragers of the three species (IME)
and look the best (IMO)
What great info! Thank you so much for these links.

Great, C. Habrosus then. Someone else has suggested getting three panda corys also (instead of the others I was considering). Any thoughts?

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