This is about the 5th (5th? 6th? I am losing track!) time I have tried to breed my CT male!
My naughty male, he just has his head on backward. With all the correct conditioning of pairs, all the right water conditions, and very willing females, he's officially a dud once again
I have gotten him to at least embrace the females twice, but he ate eggs immediately. I tried a different female, no spawnings.
Now, he just beats the sheet outa the female this round, even though she is responsive and begging for the embrace. I tried them for 5 days, penning her when it would get too nasty. He would flirt, court and play, then go killer on her. Thankfully, she could fend for herself and he is now also missing about 1/5 of his extensions
So, removed both again, back to square one. I need a new male, sad as it seems, he is already 8 months now
and still a dud
Soo...I am looking for a DR or DDR CT male, good balance in finnage, nice thick rays with no curls. Lavendar/purple, marbles are cool. Let me know if there are any about, even those who hve been spawned are ok.
Thanks, and thanks for letting me gripe, lol.
My naughty male, he just has his head on backward. With all the correct conditioning of pairs, all the right water conditions, and very willing females, he's officially a dud once again
I have gotten him to at least embrace the females twice, but he ate eggs immediately. I tried a different female, no spawnings.
Now, he just beats the sheet outa the female this round, even though she is responsive and begging for the embrace. I tried them for 5 days, penning her when it would get too nasty. He would flirt, court and play, then go killer on her. Thankfully, she could fend for herself and he is now also missing about 1/5 of his extensions

So, removed both again, back to square one. I need a new male, sad as it seems, he is already 8 months now
Soo...I am looking for a DR or DDR CT male, good balance in finnage, nice thick rays with no curls. Lavendar/purple, marbles are cool. Let me know if there are any about, even those who hve been spawned are ok.
Thanks, and thanks for letting me gripe, lol.