Dads Platys. . . What Do Ya Think N What Else?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 29, 2005
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Heya!!! This is the Enthusiast again.. .

Here's some pics of my dads tank with his new platyz!!! Not sure which type they are but they are black and orange as you can see :) :) what do you think?

Any suggestions on what else he could put in? :hyper:

i can see them not clearly though, they look like neon black painted platies to me.

any1 else think different :/
1st off i have those platties and when i bought them they were labeled as black platies so i don't know what they are actually called. also how big is the tank? it looks like it may be around 5 gal in the pic... is it bigger?

also how many platies do you have?

suggestions i have: none. platies can get 2+ inches maybe put another one in and make a 1:2 (male:female) ratio. maybe a smaller species snail but that is a bout it.

*i am assuming that it is a 5 gal hex and has 2 platies in it (i hope 2 females)*
1st off i have those platties and when i bought them they were labeled as black platies so i don't know what they are actually called. also how big is the tank? it looks like it may be around 5 gal in the pic... is it bigger?

also how many platies do you have?

suggestions i have: none. platies can get 2+ inches maybe put another one in and make a 1:2 (male:female) ratio. maybe a smaller species snail but that is a bout it.

*i am assuming that it is a 5 gal hex and has 2 platies in it (i hope 2 females)*

yep exactly right!!! If anyone looks in the argos catalogue its that one lol - i think it is 4-5 gal yeah, 14 litres i think :/

They are two females, dad isnt sure about gettin a male because he has no other tank for fry and doesnt exactly want to breed them. . .

Thanks for that advice !!! :thumbs:

- Enthusiast -

The tank is 3.5 gallons and so already overstocked. Only really suitable for a single betta with a couple of african dwarf frogs.

assuming that it has an undergravel filter (or any kind of filter- i can't see in pic)... you can get away with the 2 female platies

as for the addition of another one i didn't know if you had 1 male and 1 female or 2 males or 2 females... so i'm glad that you have 2 females.

you really can't do much with it just keep them in it basically and do regular 20% water changes (weekly) and clean the substrate (weekly as well) you should be fine.

i admit that if it is 3.5 gal than you are overstocked, realy my tanks are overstocked also so i can't say much. if you keep a balance than you should be fine

you could put a MTS (Malaysian Trumpet Snail) in there (only one). they don't get very big, burrow in the sand during the day and come out at night. they eat algae and leftover foods. they also will kepp your sand loose. they are hte perfect clean up crew for smaller tanks! whatever you do though do NOT get more than one. 1) you can't fit it. 2) they are livebearers and will reproduce if you get a male and female

*remove any "new" snails that may form as females don't always need a male to get fertalized* - heck i'll take any MTS you get out of the one

you could also see this thread written by rain- about different snail species if you are interested

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