dabios not schooling??


New Member
Jun 24, 2004
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Hi this is my first post, I have 6 zebra danios in my 30 gallon tank and they have stopped schooling after the first day.Ive noticed that one of them seems to chase the others and nip at the could this agressive one be breaking up the school?
IME this is a pecking order thing they will settle down soon.
Do a search on this forum about schooling, you'll learn a lot. :p
One thing I've noticed over the years of fish keeping is that shoaling fish rarely shoal in a tank. Neons dart about all over the place, rarely they all face the same direction, danios are here there and everywhere and it's the same with most shoaling fish. There are, of course, exceptions to this, and one of them is my red torpedoes (I have 6) and they are always together. Fish in a shoal quickly work out their pecking order, the strongest often becoming the leader. He's the first to the food, finds the best resting spot and seems to keep the rest of the gang in check. Don't worry about your danios - they'll settle down quickly enough.

BTW, welcome to the forum.

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