
New Member
Jul 23, 2004
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As I posted in an earlier post, I had a Freshwater Angelfish in a 10 gallon figh tank. The next day when I woke up it was dead. It must have been in the water for like 8 hours. Can I just put a new fish in there or should i change the water and the filter as well? What would be some good fish for a 10 gallon tank?[/font]
I'm sorry about your angelfish. How long has the tank been up?

I recently put a betta in a 10 gallon with 3 otos. I'm really happy with it, and wish you luck with whatever you decide!
the tank was up for like a year and 3 months and i was doing everything i was supposed too
What are the current water parameters for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? Angels really dont handle ammonia or high nitrites very well. Also how did you add the fish to the tank? keep us posted.
Other fish kept in there successfully before?
No, Betty was the first fish i put in there.

What are the current water parameters for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? Angels really dont handle ammonia or high nitrites very well. Also how did you add the fish to the tank? keep us posted.

I didnt get a chance to get the numbers. I've had the fish for a year and 3 months in the tank i let the tank get cycled and then added the fish. I dont what happened. I said I would care if i lost that fish now that i did i'm sad. I said I would get attached to it, but i DID

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