Cypranid Food


Fish Crazy
Jul 2, 2005
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I hear its good to feed slices of cucumbers to rainbowsharks. Her usual diet is frozen brine shrimp. Are cucumbers okay to put in tank? Do i leave the middle(seeds) of cucumber part in too? Does the cucumber have any effect on water peramiters?
It's fine to put the cucumber in there after you've washed it free of any pesticides or chemicals on it. I wouldn't leave it longer than 3-5 hours at most or it may start to foul the tank water.
Yeah cucumber is a favorite treat of a lot of my fish, just don't leave it in there for more than 5 hours probably. Be sure to weight it down too.
Acturally the cucumber will also attact snail. I always use the methor to clear up the snail from my planted tank once in a while when there number run out of control.
i wish the cucumber would last 5 hours. I put it in raw with a plant weight through each piece usually 3 slices every couple of days and the fish go mental there is usually just the rind left over after a couple of hours.

Picture this 2 bristle nose plecs, a farlowella, 6 ottos, 3 clown loach a zebra loach and 4 chain loach flocking round as well as the platies taking any bits that float up.

And before some one says it yes they get fed every day with flakes and 3 types of sinking foods

The only reason I would leave food like that in for so long is the more cautious or slow feeders. If they can eat it down that quickly, that's great.
Sounds great, ill give it a try. I usually have to drop some biofeeder type tablet in there at night when lights go out b/c all the cherry barbs and neon tetra gobble up all the brine shrimp before any can get to the bottom. Im gonna try the cucumbers and hopefully the anger is somewhat suppresed come feeding time. :)
Is it alright if i use an old cucumber, its soft and im not eating it, would it be alrightn for the fish/aquarium?
A cucumber that has gone a bit soft will be fine. If it is obviously rotten, then obviously not.

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