Cynotilapia afra blue reef


New Member
Mar 29, 2004
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Does anyone know the tempermant of this fish. I have read from several sites that they are very agressive, is this true. I was hoping to keep them with yello lab cichlids. B)
I have afras with my electric yellows, sometimes they get chased, but no fin nipping or and injuries, just some fast movin'!
umm pics of the blue reef one? i have yellow well gold labs and i would like a blue fish :D (new to this btw gimme some time and dont flame plzkthx)
i am planning on getting demasoni to go with my labs and i want the afra blue reef but will it work?
like CA wrote, the Cyno afra's are pretty aggressive -- the demasoni will hold their own but your labs might get picked on quite a bit by the afra's. Mine are little devils already and are only 2 inches long and 6 months old--still babies. I'm selling them because unlike my other fish, they are maturing very fast and are proving they need a much larger tank earlier than I had anticipated. IMO mature afra's need at least a 75 gallon---they demand large territories.

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