

Jun 18, 2004
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Can I get a proper definition of cycling? Is it when you allow the filter to run before adding fish???
In order to cycle a tank using ammonia, start everything up and add some gravel from an established tank or a few potted plants (their roots contain all of the necessary bacteria, and the plants themselves do not seem to be harmed by this process). Then simply add 4-5 drops of ammonia per 10 gallons per day until you get a nitrite spike. Once you have nitrites, cut the ammonia back to 2-3 drops per 10 gallons per day until the nitrites disappear. When you get a 0 ppm nitrites reading, you have a fully cycled tank.

So basically if I don't do this, I have to wait 4 to 6 weeks for my fish instead of 4 days? I'm getting my fish THIS Wednesday, so can you provide me with steps...

Do I add 2-4 drops in my 5 gallon tank first?
It's a good idea to cycle your tank before you put the fish in because many fish are not tolerant to the ammo and nitrite levels that appear during cycling. Some fish can handle it though. What type of fish are you getting?
Dwarf Puffers :(

I bought this substant that releases a plentiful amount of benefitial bacteria into my system, therefore increasing the cycle... The brand is Cycle. Does this stuff work and actually speed the cycle rate? Also, these are freshwater, and I know freshwater doesn't need to be cycled for 6 weeks!
IME the Cycle product will do nothing for you.

I'm not sure where you're getting the 6 week figure from. But how do you know that a freshwater tank doesn't need to cycle for 6 weeks? When I do fishless cycles, they usually take around 2 weeks. Cycling with fish can take weeks and even months.

Not sure if dwarf puffers are a good choice for cycling with. Maybe someone else can comment on that.

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