I have never cycled my tank as far as I know and have had it for about 6 months and have never tested for anything. Just recently I had 2 female mollies die. But that was from the male chasing them and stressing them out. Is this normal? Since everything seems to be ok should I start testing now?
It is a very good thing to let your tank cycle. It allows for the good bacteria to form colonies and conquer the evil bacteria that kill fish.
Usually mollies do not die form over chasing (rather a hardy fish) but do you have any decorations in your tank for the females to hide from the male? I could be a reason but...
Yes I have some fake plants and 2 caves It is a 5gl tank and I had to take my son to get 2 more mollies and came home with 3. It is rather roomy in it though plus I have a betta in it with them.