

Fish Crazy
Oct 15, 2003
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Somewhere over the rainbow...
What is cycling your tank? How? What does it do? When I moved my betta to a bigger bowl, I didn't really cycle the bowl, but he's doing fine. Now i'm thinking about switching to a bigger tank, but does it really need the cycling thing? Thanks!
What's ur tank setup? like filter, air pump, gravel etc?

"Cycling the tank" means that you are establishing a bacteria bed in your biological filter to remove the toxins that the fish's metabolism creates.

Cycling is refering to the nitrogen cycle. Beneficial bacteria will feed on the ammonia (which the fish creates, and is toxic to fish) and turn it into nitrite. Then nitrite will turn to nitrate.

It takes 2 weeks for the ammonia spike and another 2 weeks for the nitrite spike then both should go to zero while the nitrates rise, that is when a tank is considered cycled.

People r talking about fishless cycling in which when u set up a new tank, u can put pure ammonia instead of a fish in there to let the tank cycle.

Because ammonia and nitrite r toxic to fish, some fish might die in the cycling process.
It's best if u could get a bigger tank, like a 5 gallon.

I suggest u to get at least a small filter (I use Penn Plax smallworld filter), an air pump, a heater, some gravel and a plant (the gravel and plant r just to make the Betta more happy).

The filter will fill out dirt from the water and will grow beneficial bacteria in it. Beneficial bacteria will also grow on gravels too.

Turn the heater to 78-80F (like 26C).

In this way, u don't have to change water everyday (when the tank is fully cycled). :D

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