cycling with fish

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Sep 4, 2005
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New Jersey
Hi everyone, I'm new here and what a great site this seems to be . I have a 29 gallon tank and am on the 4th day of cycling with 2 white clouds. When should I add more fish and what is my next step? Any help would be great. Thanks
The best way to cycle I suggest to people is leave the water to cycle for a week, and then think of what 1 or 2 fish you have to have in the tank, maybe you really love angels and want to have a pair in the tank. Well, you can't start with the angels but you are planning what you want eventually, so now find out what you may want in there that will go with the angels and is strong, maybe you likektetras, well try starting with a few stronger ones like black tetras or red phantoms. So basically build the tank around a few main fish and find hardier species to start with for the first 2 weeks and then start to add the less hardy fish (ie the angels). So, I hope that helps you to figure out what to do.
Toadfish said:
The best way to cycle I suggest to people is leave the water to cycle for a week, and then think of what 1 or 2 fish you have to have in the tank, maybe you really love angels and want to have a pair in the tank. Well, you can't start with the angels but you are planning what you want eventually, so now find out what you may want in there that will go with the angels and is strong, maybe you likektetras, well try starting with a few stronger ones like black tetras or red phantoms. So basically build the tank around a few main fish and find hardier species to start with for the first 2 weeks and then start to add the less hardy fish (ie the angels). So, I hope that helps you to figure out what to do.
Toadfish said:
The best way to cycle I suggest to people is leave the water to cycle for a week, and then think of what 1 or 2 fish you have to have in the tank, maybe you really love angels and want to have a pair in the tank. Well, you can't start with the angels but you are planning what you want eventually, so now find out what you may want in there that will go with the angels and is strong, maybe you likektetras, well try starting with a few stronger ones like black tetras or red phantoms. So basically build the tank around a few main fish and find hardier species to start with for the first 2 weeks and then start to add the less hardy fish (ie the angels). So, I hope that helps you to figure out what to do.
Thank you , that was very helpful,
Mkidd said:
Toadfish said:
The best way to cycle I suggest to people is leave the water to cycle for a week, and then think of what 1 or 2 fish you have to have in the tank, maybe you really love angels and want to have a pair in the tank. Well, you can't start with the angels but you are planning what you want eventually, so now find out what you may want in there that will go with the angels and is strong, maybe you likektetras, well try starting with a few stronger ones like black tetras or red phantoms. So basically build the tank around a few main fish and find hardier species to start with for the first 2 weeks and then start to add the less hardy fish (ie the angels). So, I hope that helps you to figure out what to do.
Thanks again, trying to reply don't know if I'm doing it right
Hi, I'm new here too, and like you found I didn't have the patience for fishless cycling. I started of by speeding the process up using some filter media from my pond, and treating the water I used with Aquasafe, then letting the whole lot run for a week. Then I checked all the water parameters whcih were fine so I added 5 Zebra Danios. I left everythng another week keeping an eye on it all, tested the water again and once more it seemed fine so I added 2 more Zebra Danios(they were from the original shoal but went into hiding when I bought the first lot and I thought it only fair to reunite them with thier friends), and 7 Cardinal Tetras. I lost one Cardinal that night, but have since read that they do not take to being transported very well,l and so have put this down to stress rather than a tank problem. I don't know if I'm doing right or wrong but everything looks good at present. I will be doing another water test on Wednesday and all being well adding a Corydora, 2 Red Honey Gourami's and 2 other small gouramis though (I haven't quite decided which ones yet).
Like I said I'm no expert. though I did think about my long term goals before deciding on varieties, and as I love Gourami's in a community setting started of with the smaller hardier species first. Good luck.
When I cycled my tanks with fish, I just waited one day for everything to run for 24 hours. Then I add fish.
I leave the fish in there for 1-3 weeks, then take them out and add w/e The tank is goin g to house. Its always worked for me.
Looks like your aquarium is doing fine Firebelle, I love Gourami's too and am looking forward to having a few in my aquarium when I get it cycled. Thanks for replying , and letting me know your aquarium is working out.
Ethos said:
When I cycled my tanks with fish, I just waited one day for everything to run for 24 hours. Then I add fish.
I leave the fish in there for 1-3 weeks, then take them out and add w/e The tank is goin g to house. Its always worked for me.
This is terrible advice. Please try to be more responsible with your posts. Beginning aquarists don't need your help being confused.

Mkidd, do you have a testing kit for ammonia and nitrite?
I bought the freshwater master kit from aquarium pharmaceuticals and just tested my water. Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 5.0. Can this be correct after 4 days with 2 white clouds? Yesterday I did a 10% water change, temp. 78, ph 7.7 { New Jersey water has a high ph so I used D.I. water for the water change. Waiting for your advice and thank you for offering to help.
firebelle-uk, did you know that corydoras like to be in groups of at least 3 they are cool to watch but i think (pls say if i'm wrong) they don't like just being 1 on their own. so will be worth getting 3+ of them i think :D
I cycled my new fish tank for nearly 2 weeks, without NO fish...then i added 6 little zebra fishes (not sure of name) There still doing fine to this day, i have now had it all set up for just over 6 weeks...

Claire xx
Mkidd said:
I bought the freshwater master kit from aquarium pharmaceuticals and just tested my water. Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 5.0. Can this be correct after 4 days with 2 white clouds? Yesterday I did a 10% water change, temp. 78, ph 7.7 { New Jersey water has a high ph so I used D.I. water for the water change. Waiting for your advice and thank you for offering to help.

So far so good. You won't see much ammonia or nitrite for the first several days, especially with only a couple of fish. Keep testing every day or two. If you don't see ammonia or nitrite after 2 weeks, add a couple more white clouds. Keep testing every day or two. When the the ammonia and nitrite levels come back down to zero for several days or if it's been a week or so without an increase in either, add another few fish. Repeat until you're stocked.

Do you know all of the fish you intend to keep in the 29g? It might help to determine the order you should add them. Some obviously handle the cycling process better than others.
Thanks for your help , and everyone else on this forum. I'm not sure of all the fish I want to stock, I am thinking about it but want to do some more research.

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