Cycling with Danios

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Aug 6, 2005
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I'm sure this is something that has been discussed time and time again on this forum so I apologise if this is foolish or boring post. I also thank anyone who reads this in advance for their time!!

I've recently bought myself a small (15l) tank and began setting it up. The book I have mentions nothing about "fishless cycling" and although I did quite a lot of research (speaking to a lot of shop workers/ surfing Internet etc), I did not hear about this technique until I came across this site. This was unfortunately since I had spoken to a very credible shop worker who advised me to put 4 Danios in my tank to begin cycling. My wife wasn't that impressed with them as fish so the guy told me that I could take the Danios back when they had done their job. We have since changed our minds and decided to keep them but reading this forum I am wondering if I should change it back. They do seem to have done their job so to speak. I introduced them into the tank on Sunday. I had what seems to me a small amount of ammonia in my tank on Monday (0.5 ppm) which dispersed to nothing by Wednesday. Also, the nitrite level rose to 1ppm on Tuesday falling to zero by Friday.

The thing is I have two Zebras and two Leopards and one of the Leopards is very aggressive. The experienced heads on this forum I'm sure would tell me that this is because I neither have enough water (20l being the minimum) nor enough Danios (I have read 5 as a minimum - is this 5 of the same type?). In hindsight I should have started using this "fishless cycling!" technique, but I can't turn back time and the guy at the shop's advice still seems to have worked so far. I have added Mollies today still following his advice (again before I discovered this forum).

My questions are these:

1/ Should I take the Danios back to where they would presumably be happier with more of their mates?
2/ I understand that bacteria grow in my filter to cater for the amount of ammonia produced by my fish and presumably will die back if less fish are present. Given this, if I do take them back now, what will be the effect on the cycling "equation"?
3/ If the above is true, might I use this to my advantage? I have been told that Clown Loaches are more susceptible to fin rot when stressed as they have skin, not scales and should not be introduced till later when ammonia will be less of a problem. I'm not suggesting introducing them any earlier, but if i swap the Danios for the Loaches, will this not "balance my equation" so to speak, meaning no ammonia spikes at this time?

I'm sorry this post is so longwinded, but I'ma longwinded kind of person and this seems liek an excellent forum popluated by knowledgable people.

Many thanks!

Wow. Well, for starters I have to break some news which is that there is no way you will be able to put a clown loach in your tank, period. And if it's too small for danios I think it would be safe to say it's too small for mollies as well. From the conversion chart I'm staring at you have about a four gallon tank, which would pretty much limit you to small fish and limited numbers of them. I'd take the danios and the mollies back, figure out what kinds of fish you can fit in there and choose which ones you would prefer and a safe number of them while you cycle the tank without fish. This way you can have plenty of time to decide while not having to put any fish through the strain of cycling.

Off the top of my head I can list a few things that would be okay in there:

Betta (or 2, you'd need a divider)
ADF (African dwarf frogs, you could fit a couple in there nicely)
Ghost shrimp
Male guppies (maybe two, no females what so ever!)

Bettas don't mix with guppies however, and they might eat the shrimp, but usually they do well with the frogs.

I'm sure other people could make suggestions as well, and I'm sorry that your fish experience isn't going so hot, almost everyone here can tell you a similar tale though so don't feel bad.
Thanks very much for your reply!

Actually, my fishkeeping experience was going pretty well until I just read your reply! :) Dammit! I've just realised that I put 15 litres - I meant 15 gallons!! It's a 60 litre tank. (Can you even get 15 litre tanks?). Sorry about that!

If you could reread my post with that in mind I'd be hugely grateful.

I appreciate that you will probably say that even given this Clown Loaches are not a good idea given their adult size, but I understand they take some time to grow to full size and I was planning on upgrading in a year or so's time.

Many thanks (and apologies)

I have to stick with my orginal statement of not being big enough for danios, mollies or clowns. I realize you want to upgrade for the clowns, but I'll tell you the same thing I tell everyone else. Yes, you may want to upgrade to a bigger tank. However, life is funny, therefore something could happen in the future leaving you unable to upgrade the tank. Therefore, don't get anything that will need a bigger tank than one you can put your hands on in the size you will need, in your own home and say legally that it's yours lol. As the continual whipping child of Murphy's Law I have full rights to say this.

However, fifteen gallons adds to other types of fish you can have. Everything I already mentioned plus I do believe quite a few types of tetras, cories, khuli loaches, and others I can't think of.

Sorry about the mollies though, they really do need more room then they look. Also, the little buggers are snippy bullies. Trust me, had one, she was a naughty *insert pleasant swear here*.

Edited because. Just because.
im not quite sure on this but if you get 1 more of each spieces of danio that you have they should be fine. once the cycleing is done you could possibly get some cories and ottos, then maybe a nice shoal of small tetras or something. if theres room maybe a dwarf not sure if they are commatible with danios though
Fair enough.

In terms of what I as saying about swapping loaches for the danios - does this make sense (provided of course I go for the Kuhli loaches as you suggest or Zebra loaches as discussed elsewhere on this forum)? Does it work like that ie the amount of bacteria present will be sufficient if I take the Danios or even the Mollies back (although I'm not sure they'd take the Mollies back)?

Many thanks

Well, thanks very much to both of you for your replies.

While I appreciate you taking the time to read and reply, I'm not sure either of you have understood the questions I am asking which are raelly more to do with the cycling side of things than the fish I can keep.

I thin I need to keep my questions more succinct!!

Many thanks anyway.

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