Cycling tank


Fish Fanatic
Jun 27, 2004
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Our tank is cycling again. We've done something wrong and we think we may know how to fix it.

We were originally under the impression that the filter had to be changed once a week. Of course, then we add a new one and there isn't any good bacteria in it.

Second, we may be feeding our fish too much. One of the tips we read was that when the ammonia was too high, to either ration the food or not feed them until it starts to go down again.

How in the WORLD can we not feed our fish??! They start to look VERY hungry. They get fed twice a day and get one snack (sometimes). If they go a few hours after the normal feeding time, they start to take it out on eachother, try to eat the plants (they are fake) and start splashing at the top! I always feel so sorry for them, so of course, they get fed!

What can we do? I feel mean and horrible when not feeding them or only giving them food once a day!
I have heard of fish "begging" for food before but that sounds a bit extreme, what type of fish are they?

Apart from that...stop changin the filter! ;) and do sufficient water changes to keep ammonia and nitrite under 1ppm.
2 guppies
2 dwarf gouramis
3 mollies
1 rubbermouth pleco

That truely is their normal behavior for when they are hungry. They get like that, and I feel like I'm starving them!

They always eat everything we give them (never left overs). Feeding twice a day with a small snack seemed to be best!
wow :blink: mine come to the top ofthe tank and start darting round when they want food..nothing more though. I guess if they're really like that, you'll have to keep feeding them regularly. give them the minimum you think is healthy though, hopefully soon they will learn how much they are getting and not make a fuss about it? I dunno about that though because I've never had this problem.

Do you have water test kits? Beause that way you can keep an eye on the levels and remedy any problems with water changes. :)
We have tons of test kits. We have this chemical thing where you put water into tiny little beaker like things then add the chemical. It changes colors according to what the scale is.

I know I sound like I really don't know what in the world I'm talking about, and to be honest, I love having the fish but I'm at work all day and my bf is home taking care of them. He's the one who takes care of the water, the feedings, the tank cleaning..everything. I just enjoy having them.
Nah I know what you mean, my test kits are the same. :) jsut make sure you test every day with them so you know what's going on.
As hard as it may be, if your ammonia/nitrite levels are too high, you're fish can't be fed twice a day. Even if they do eat it all, and there are no leftovers (although there are more than likely lots of smaller particles that settle in the substrade), the increased waste products that comes with that much feeding also increases the ammonia/nitrites.

Begin feeding the once a day, and try to put up with their begging...I know it will be hard, but it will be better for the fish in the long run. Check water levels every day if you (or your bf) can, every other day if not, and once they ammonia and nitrites are at zero, then you can once again feed them twice a day.

Good luck!

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