Ok, here's the scoop:
I've got a 30 Gallon holding a bunch of small cichlids that are going to need a new home. I know the cycling process will take me about a month to complete, so I want to have my new tank setup, cycled and ready for the little guys to move in by the end of September at the latest.
We've found a good used tank that we're most likely going to purchase tonight and I want to get a good feel for fish vs. fishless cycling. This will be my first time cycling a tank properly (my current tank was setup based on the advice I received from my LFS "You can add fish right away!")
Regarding cycling the new tank, should I do this with or without fish. I thought I saw an article on the boards for Fishless cycling, but I did a search and I can't seem to find it. (Maybe I'm just blind?)
I feel like a dolt for asking, but...could someone post a link to that article, or maybe just some references they have bookmarked, I'd be greatly appreciated. I can't seem to find the article I'm looking for. I thought it was a pinned topic in the Beginnners section, but I might be wrong!
I've got a 30 Gallon holding a bunch of small cichlids that are going to need a new home. I know the cycling process will take me about a month to complete, so I want to have my new tank setup, cycled and ready for the little guys to move in by the end of September at the latest.
We've found a good used tank that we're most likely going to purchase tonight and I want to get a good feel for fish vs. fishless cycling. This will be my first time cycling a tank properly (my current tank was setup based on the advice I received from my LFS "You can add fish right away!")
Regarding cycling the new tank, should I do this with or without fish. I thought I saw an article on the boards for Fishless cycling, but I did a search and I can't seem to find it. (Maybe I'm just blind?)
I feel like a dolt for asking, but...could someone post a link to that article, or maybe just some references they have bookmarked, I'd be greatly appreciated. I can't seem to find the article I'm looking for. I thought it was a pinned topic in the Beginnners section, but I might be wrong!