Cycling Properly?

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Jul 22, 2003
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Western New York
I have a 40 gal tank cycling with 3 zebra danios that has been cycling for almost 2 amonia level has only gone up to .25. From what I have read I thought it was suposed to spike up and eventually start the nitrite part of the cycle?

Do I have enough fish for this size tank? Could I add a small amount of amonia to help it out a bit or would that be too dangerous for the fish? I know I should have done a fishless cycle but I never heard of it until reading it on the web...

thx :/
I wouldn't advise on adding pure ammonia. It's too dangerous for the fish. If you want to add one or two more fish, I think it'd be fine. Just be sure to do it gradually.

Sounds like your cycle is starting. You should see the spike sometime in the next few days. I wouldn't add any fish until after the ammonia spikes. Actually I wouldn't add any fish until the cycle is finished. You will be introducing them to either increased ammonia or increased nitrites, both of which are toxic to fish and could stress the new ones so much they die within a day. Patience is the key young grasshopper, your time will come. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hi HawkEye

Do not add any more fish to the tank, until the nitrite level has droped back to zero. You do not have to see levels off the scale to cycle the tank.
I've been cycling my 29 gal for a few weeks with way too many fish I know. Some of us just can't wait. I added some "Prime" to my tank which detoxifies the ammonia and nitrites without interfering with the cycle. Has anyone had any experience with using Prime? I've heard some people say it is the best. It does it all.
Here is a link that explains the product.

I already have
1 Gold Gourami
1 Pearl Gourami
1 Dwarf Gourami
1 Blue Ram
1 Dalmation Molly
3 Zebra Danios
6 Neon Tetras
2 Cories
1 Pleco

Don't plan on adding any more fish until cycle is done. I'm sure I deserve a lecture about having soo many fish in a cycling tank, but I got fish fever. I'm already thinking 55 gal.
Is there anyway to make this fish list show up on all posts so I don't have to retype soo many times?
Never heard of the stuff. The only way to make ammonia and nitrites less toxic to your fish is to alter the hardness of your water, in effect changing the PH. At a more neutral PH, the ammonia and nitrites are less toxic, but still harmful. Sounds like another product for your tap water to me. Not using it on 55 gallons of water my fish are swimming in.
"Prime" claims that is will not alter the PH in any way either. It is actually a water conditioner that you can use to fully condition the tap water, but can be used to treat the tank as well. I'll have to check my PH levels just in case this evening. I added the Prime yesteday due to high Nitrite levels. An experienced aquarist from another forum also had me add about 1/8 tsp of table salt to the tank to help the fish breathe.
I don't think its chemically possible to make ammonia or nitrites less toxic without altering the ph or hardness, or neutralizing it all together. If you are having a problem with nitrites, IMO you shouldtry to address the source instead of adding chemicals.

Now that i read your post again i see you are cycling still. If this product does in fact remove ammonia and nitrites, you are in trouble. The only product I recommend when cycling is bio spira. I have seen this product work first hand. It contains all the bacteria you will need and you add your entire population of fish at the same time. Great product, but spendy.
Yeah, I've heard of the BioSpyra but haven't seen it in any of the lfs. I will let you know how the "Prime" works. I monitor levels in the tank daily. I guess if this stuff damages the cycle my ammonia levels should go back up. They are at zero now, just high nitrites, which should level off anyway. I was just concerned that since I was really pushing it with so many fish that I should do something. I did a couple of water changes but it barely affected the levels. Someone told me that I should do a water change every 30 min until the levels are down, but this seems like it would really slow down the cycle. I guess we'll see what happens. All the fish seem to be doing fine right now. Thanks for the input.
Well everyone seems to agree on not adding any amonia...however I am still confused as to add a few more fish or not? I posted this same question on another forum I am on and they said to add 5-6 more danios (no all at once) and a few here agree...but I do understand the comments I received advising not to...It's a tough decision to make...I am going grocery shopping tomorrow morning and the pet store is right next store... :/ ...I do have to go there anyway and get a nitrite test kit anyway...but do I get 2-3 more danios?

I should take a poll on this... :hyper:
jbjnc63 said:
Is there anyway to make this fish list show up on all posts so I don't have to retype soo many times?
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Well I broke down and bought 3 HiFin Blue Danios...the person at the lfs also said my take probably would take forever to cycle with only 3 zebra danios were so excited to have some new friends!!

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