cycling problem


Apr 20, 2003
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St.Louis, MO
is it possible without any test kit. my dad has changed the water 2 times one with 50% where i told him not to and also one 25% i've been cycling for 2 months. the water is cloudy as ever. its probably the ammonia spike right. i bought something from walmart they said you don't have to do cycling if you just put some of that stuff in.
Hi Fishdude

You do not need any test tiks, to cycle the tank. They just help to identify where you are in the cycle, and if every thing is working properly.

I would always recomend have at least 4 test kits, pH, NH4, NO2 and NO3. These let you know what is going on in your tank.
I wouldn't trust the ppl at walmart. The only product i trust that somebody would say you don't have to cycle is bio spira. Otherwise its probably just another sales gimmick. Walmart sells the test strips that you simply dip in the water and it provides you with all the readings except ammonia. You can get the ammonia test kit at walmart for 3 bucks. I suggest getting those and testing. Then padlock your tank so your dad can't mess it up anymore!!! :blink:

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