Cycling our 15H - stock


Jun 16, 2003
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We'll finally be getting our 15H (high) gallon tank. My girlfriend wants to have mostly tetras in there, neons and cardinals. I assume these are not hardy enough for starter fish, so what suggestions would anyone have for peaceful tetra fish to cycle the tank. And how many?

I told her 3 or 4 1" fish should be good to cycle the tank. Does that sound good? What types of tetras are hearty?

- kip
Why cycle the tank at all?
I can see from your signature that you have a 37 g set up and running,just take a handful of gravel and 1/4 of the filter media (replacing the used media with new) and transfer it to the 15 gallon,instant setup.Just keep the stocking level low and the feedings light for the first couple of weeks and your away.
I am currently treating for Ich, and also have a little brown algae problem, so I'm worried about transferring any of the gravel over in case it's carrying anything harmful. what do yout think?

- kip
Ah i see,if you are in any way worried about cross contamination then dont do it,ICH is easily transferable when in its free floating form and would infect the new tank,brown algea should be reasonably easy to get rid of,usually it will go just by increasing the lighting.
You can begin the cycle with the tetras. They should be able to stand it. Then, when you are no longer worried about your other tank, add the filter media and bit of gravel. This will help speed the process.

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