Cycling Not Working?


Fish Fanatic
May 18, 2006
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Hi all,

I've wanted to do a fishless cycle for ages and now i'm in the process it's taking a long time.

info about tank:

60l had active carbon in filter.

Removed carbon and added air stone in 2nd week of cycling. Ammonia is still at 8ppm (or of the chart)

Could having carbon in the filter stop the process? I thought i'd see nitrites but they are at 0 ppm. I'm beging to think it isn't working.

Any advise would be appreciated.

What is the tank tmeperature and pH. Both of those will have an effect on the cycling process. The carbon chouldn't have been an issue other than it would absorb some of the ammonia initially but it becomes saturated pretty quickly so it wouldn't have had much effect.

You really need the temperature in the upper 80s to low 90s and also aeration as the high temperatures will drive out all the oxygen so the airstones are needed to replenish the oxygen supply. Last but not least, make sure you used dechlorintor as the chlorine and chloramine can kill of the bacteria.

You may have to simply start over. Sometimes, they simply never start. I had one a little over a year ago that went 18 days with absolutely no change in ammonia or nitrite. I still don't know what happened as I had never had a problem before.

Thanks for fast reply,

Temp is just under 30c and ph is 7.5. I've used the tetra water conditioner that came with the tank.

Sounds like the temperature (could actually go a little higher but ok there) and pH (pH between 7.2 and 8.2 is optimal) are fine so it may have simply stalled (or never started) for what ever reason. I would do a big water change and start over. Wht type filter do you have?
8ppm ammonia is too high to start off with fishless cycling.. IMO. That level actually hinders the growth of the N-bacteria. Most fishless cycling instructions recommend 4-5ppm because of this.

The carbon should have been removed from the start as well. Also check your pH and KH levels.

The filter came with the tank. Its a tetra compact thingy with bio balls.

I've never done a fishless cycle before so this is why i'm worried i've done something wrong.

What would you suggest i do next, empty the whole tank or a water change?

Thanks for your advise.

I would just to a big water change, as much water as you can get out without causing problems with any plants in the tank. The main thing is to get the ammoni back down to a readable level and kind of jump start things again.
Thank you so much for your advise - when I've finished work tomorrow I'll do a water change.

Yeah. I would do a 50% PWC with pre-dechlored water and then test your ammonia levels again. If they are in the 4-5ppm range, then let things run until you see them start going down to the 1ppm range. Then start re-dosing with the plain ammonia ONLY up to the 4-5ppm range.
Hi all,

Well after waiting ages i tested for nitrites on Saturday 28 april and they are at 0.25. Sundays reeding was 0.50 so it is working at last.

Hi Everyone,

When i got home today i tested the tank, stats are below:

Ammonia 5ppm
Nitrite 5ppm
Nitrate 20ppm.
Now the cycling is in process i can see light at the end of the tunnel.

What i would like to know is once the tank has cycled and i've done a water change, how long can i leave the tank before i put fish in? What i'm trying to say is for example the tank has cycled and i've done a big water change to get the nitrates down (this will be done after work about 7pm) will the bactiera still be alive until i get some fish the next afternoon (about 5-6 ish)?

Thanks for your comments

When your tank finishes cycling, continue to add ammonia until the day before you intend to add fish. The night before you add them, do the big water change. There's no use doing it any sooner as you will continue to add ammonia and the nitrates will go back up. After you finish the water change, dose the ammonia to about 4 ppm one last time. It should be gone the next morning and you can add fish that afternoon. The bacteria will be fine for that short a time frame.
Water Stats taken at 10pm Tuesday 1 May 2007

Ammonia 2ppm
Nitrite 5ppm

This is the 3rd week of cycling. Started the process on Wednesday 11 April 2007. Only saw nitrites on Saturday 28 April. They have raised from 0.25 - 5 in 2 days.

When should I dose the tank with more ammonia?


Anytime the ammonia drops to around 1 or below, add more to raise it back up to around 4.
Thanks rdd for your help.

Once my tank has completed the cycle, i'll take pics of it once the fish have been put in.


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