Cycling New Tank


New Member
Jan 22, 2008
Reaction score
Tullahoma, Tennessee
My 24gal aquapod is about ready to be cycled, ordered live rock, have LS and ordered filter material. My main concern is the use of liquid ammonia for the cycling as opposed to live fish. Is any of this necessary? Sure could use some help here!!!
Thanks much

My main concern is the use of liquid ammonia for the cycling as opposed to live fish.
I havent used any of these in my cycling/breakin period.
Is this not a freshwater method of cycling.
it's used in freshwater aquariums as there is no natural source of ammonia in the tank

in a marine tank using live rock, the die off from the live rock will rovide the source of ammonia for the tank to cycle

having said that if you buy cured rock and get it in the tank quickly, there may be no cycle at all

short answer - you don't need to worry about adding anything to get the cycle going
Thanks very much, definetly answer I needed, obviously I'm a newbie and the more I read and learn more, the more confusing it can get. This I believe
answers another question I had, I probably will not be able to stock fish, if any perhaps one or two, probably not sufficient for ammonia purposes, so if I'm
on the right page, I don't need them as long as I have the rock and sand??

Thanks again very much

Yeah...mine worked like , initial fill water mixed in tank to correct SG. in with the liverock.. aquascape etc, all electrics set in motion
Ammonia will rocket due to dieoff etc, tested every day almost, Ammonia fell away and Nitrite started to spike, when this too fell away to zero then 50% waterchange and tested for Nitrates. If below 10 (preferably lower) then CUC can be added. This whole cycle for me took around 3 weeks. Then came the algae issues.
This is a slow pace... which is essential to the final outcome. nothing to be gained by rushing. I too am new to this side of the hobby but there is always help at hand from our resident gurus. (just as well). I've been going around 3 months now from initial fill and I'm only as far as the Cleanup crew.

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