cycling for 6-7 weeks


Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Golden Colorado
Here are my new fishies! Nice to see something living in my tank.... Anyway, also talked into a wet/dry filtration system that's also been cycling...

Also...just one question... I was thinkng of adding live rock, anyone have any idea for a 29 gal? And....In my live sand there is this strange looking pink worm thing with spikes...what is that?


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OMG those clownfish are so cute! How big is that tank? Its a really nice size!

Beuitiful tank :kana:
The worm is a bristle worm. Dont tuch em, they give a nasty sting :-( Good workhorses in the cleanup crew though.

29 gallons needs about 29 lbs of liverock but your filtration is already mature so its really up to you what you want. The liverock you add now will only share the job with the filter you have. I would add as uch as possible though because the tank looks much better with it in the tank
I agree. And with a 29 gallon, it is small enough for you to hand or cherry pick your rock.

When you need a couple hundred pounds, you take a good deal when you find it. But when you want 20 to 40 pounds, and can add a bit at a time, it is nice to be able to pick out interesting pieces.


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