Cycling - Amonia Levels


Fish Fanatic
Aug 29, 2010
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Hi guys,

I am day 31 into cycling a new saltwater tank with live rock. I still have Amonia levels around 0.01/ 0.05. The levels seem to fluctuate, not sure if this is normal. I only ask as the chart below shows I should be on to the Nitrite stage now. My nitrite is 0.01 and Nitrate is 15. Ph is 8.2.

Any advice would be really appreciated.

Cheers ;)

Here is the chart...
I am still cycling my self, it does take time and does not always follow suit.

You can add household ammonia (Boots sell it) which will aid the process, im not as I wanted to do it with just live rock.

You just need patience, it will happen. Just keep testing daily. :)
Ok will do, just wanted to make sure Im on track. I tested for amonia a week or so ago and my reading was 0 but has since gone back up so thats what has confused me.
Ok will do, just wanted to make sure Im on track. I tested for amonia a week or so ago and my reading was 0 but has since gone back up so thats what has confused me.

You may have had a mini cycle.

What volume is the tank and how many kg's of lr do you have?
Its 110 litres... not sure about the weight of live rock but theres quite a lot in there. Tried to upload a pic but theyre too big to load up.
Hi Arlanda

Can you tell me exactly what you have in your tank and show me your stats please over the time of your cycle? Your cycle is unusually long unless the rock was uncured and the stats that you have already given do not lead me to think that it was. Can you also tell me how and for how long you transported the rock and where it came from, lfs, old salty's tank etc

Seffie x

ps get a free photobucket account, upload your photos and then copy and paste the img code :good:
Hi Seffie,

I was told by my LFS to cycle with cured live rock and some CUC which I have.... They told me I should cycle this way and then add my first fish in 12 weeks. The live rock has little creatures that you can see running all over it in the holes and has some nice white, purple algae/ colouration to it.

Im on day 31 and up until recently only periodically tested as I thought Id have quite a wait until I got changes. Over the past few days I have experienced Amonia at around 0.01 - 0.05, PH is 8.2, Nitrite is 0.01 and has stayed at this and then I tested for Nitrates over the past few days and that remains at 15.

Just a bit confused as I read and hear different things.
Good old lfs :blink:

I suspect your cycle, which was probably a mini cycle has been over some time ago and what you are seeing are just normal tank readings.

Lets just talk about the cycle for a moment:

You expect to see some die off of bacteria etc when you first add live rock if it has been out of the water for say over approx 20 minutes or so. This then causes ammonia, which in turn feeds nitrites, so the ammonia disappears and then you get nitrates and the nitrites disappear - this is when you do a large water change, leave for 48 hours and test again - if your nitrates are <10 then you add your cuc.

I have no idea where the lfs get their idea of putting in a cuc before the cycle and the cycle lasting twelve weeks :look: you have been lucky that your cuc have survived, I suspect this is because your rock was fully cured and had very little die off.

If the tank was mine, I would jump to the end stage, do a large water change and test after 48 hrs :good: On a tank your size do a 50% water change.

Oh and forget what your lfs tell you, they are barking!!!!!!!!

Seffie x
Hi Seffie,

Thank you for the advice... I think you are right, and I think from what I have read and heard I am lucky that no CUC has died.... I will do a water change and re-test... I am making a note of my readings from now on anyway.

Thanks again, very much appreciated x

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