Fish Gatherer
Finally, I figured out a place to put my new 46 gallon aquarium. I'm going to set it up after Christmas and after I get the gravel. Since I haven't cycled a tank for more than a year, I forgotton how to do it. My current 29 gallon tank was cycled last year, but it wasn't exactly smooth. It was my first large tank, so I only thought you had to let the water run for about a week before adding fish. What a mistake!
I added my two of my favorite guppies into the tank and I was heatbroken when they died. After their deaths, I realized you had to cycle an aquarium and stablize the chemicals. I bought a few neon tetras, they all died, so I just got a couple of inexpensive swordtails thinking that they would help cycle my tank. Thy both survived, but died a few monthes later for some other reason. Doesn't that sound like a mess? I don't want my new tank to turn up like that. Is there any way possible to cycle a tank without using fish? If there isn't, what fish are the best to use that are hardy and strong but would be suitable with Gouramis or Angelfish? Can anyone explain to me how to cycle a tank the correct way? I would appreciate the advice!
I added my two of my favorite guppies into the tank and I was heatbroken when they died. After their deaths, I realized you had to cycle an aquarium and stablize the chemicals. I bought a few neon tetras, they all died, so I just got a couple of inexpensive swordtails thinking that they would help cycle my tank. Thy both survived, but died a few monthes later for some other reason. Doesn't that sound like a mess? I don't want my new tank to turn up like that. Is there any way possible to cycle a tank without using fish? If there isn't, what fish are the best to use that are hardy and strong but would be suitable with Gouramis or Angelfish? Can anyone explain to me how to cycle a tank the correct way? I would appreciate the advice!