Cycling a New Tank!


Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
:D Finally, I figured out a place to put my new 46 gallon aquarium. I'm going to set it up after Christmas and after I get the gravel. Since I haven't cycled a tank for more than a year, I forgotton how to do it. My current 29 gallon tank was cycled last year, but it wasn't exactly smooth. It was my first large tank, so I only thought you had to let the water run for about a week before adding fish. What a mistake!

:( I added my two of my favorite guppies into the tank and I was heatbroken when they died. After their deaths, I realized you had to cycle an aquarium and stablize the chemicals. I bought a few neon tetras, they all died, so I just got a couple of inexpensive swordtails thinking that they would help cycle my tank. Thy both survived, but died a few monthes later for some other reason. Doesn't that sound like a mess? I don't want my new tank to turn up like that. Is there any way possible to cycle a tank without using fish? If there isn't, what fish are the best to use that are hardy and strong but would be suitable with Gouramis or Angelfish? Can anyone explain to me how to cycle a tank the correct way? I would appreciate the advice!
:unsure: I'd never heard of the "Fishless Cycle." I wish I knew that with my other tank because I hate to see them suffer and die. I'm still a little unclear of how the "Fishless Cycle" works. I would certainly use that method for this tank if I clearly understand it. Does anyone know how the "Fishless Cycle" works and what I have to do?

The main idea of fishless cycling is instead of the fish providing the ammonia (via their poo! -_- ) it is supplied via another source

ie. Pure, unpurfumed, unanything ammonia.

at a certain rate (see link above) until it hits the level stated (sorry, i haven't read the topic for while, and can't remember the levels stated :blink: ) at which point you half the doseage, as too much ammonia will then hamper the growth of the benficial bacteria, as opposed to helping it.

I have also heard adding fish food to the tank, as if there were fish in it, that also helps the fishless cycle along.

you still do water changes, and eventually the nitrItes will spike, and then the nitrAtes will spike and nitrItes and ammonia should go to zero.

The length of time this can take will depend on the tank and various other factors.

If you still have your original tank running, you can help the new tank along by squeezing the filter into your new tank, or exchanging some of the gravel, plants or rock (the beneficial bacteria grows on anything in the tank).

Hope this helps and good luck with the new tank :p

Sasha when you cycle your tank with fish use some hardy fish and not these cute small ones that need good water conditions to survive. Get some zebra danios or tetras to cycle the tank, guppies and neons are just too fragile.
:D Thank you so much for the advice. The "Fishless Cycle" is a better way, it sounds, to get a new tank established. Has anyone ever done it sucessfully?
I did a fishless cycle on both of my 2.5 tanks succesfully :) When I finally got my act together (wasted 7 weeks cycling a tank I didn't use :X ) it took one tank 6 weeks to cycle and the other 8 weeks. I got the tanks two weeks apart though, so they both finished cycling at the same time :thumbs: It was starting to get frustrating around the 7th week and the nitrites wouldn't drop. Then literally, from one night to the next morning they were at 0. That was quite the shocker :D I then took some gravel from that tank and put it in my newer tank, within a few days the ammonia and nitrite were down to 0. It took a good amount of patience to fishless cycle, but it was well worth it :)
i recommend using some of the water from your tank that is already set up as well... my tank 70litre i never used fish to 'cycle' it and i have set it up twice now i just leave it for about 10 days putting some fish flake in now and again. :)

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