cycled tank or water changes?????

Not sure what the quote is getting at, but a cycled tank is one where the filter has matured and your getting 0ppm for Ammonia & Nitrite with readable Nitrates above the level of your tap water, but this can also be very low or 0 if lots of plants are present.

You will need to perform regular water changes on a cycled tank, so the quote is confusing. If your unsure about cycling there are lots of posts on here about it already.
thanx, you answered my question. I have a mature tank, but I still do water changes, only about 10 gallons a week on a 55 but everything seems good. I thought maybe there was a way to get a tank running without having to change water the way they stated that question.
i think that person was a bit confused. in a cycled tank you still do water changes every week or so (depending on tank) but in a UNcycled one you would have to do them every day!

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