Cycled - Now For Some Advice


New Member
Jul 29, 2011
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Hurrah, my tanks finally cycled after 5-6 weeks, near gave up on it after 3-4 weeks of no change to nitrite, but over night - woooosh, 0... been re dosing to 2ppm Ammonia and getting 0-0 after 12 hours for a few days now, so I guess am all set for fish...

Only thing is now, I have new substrate and a 3D background that needs to go in, so I was waiting on the Cycle to finish before I started messing about too much.

My plan is :

100 % water change (keep filter running in 15 litre bucket - of tank water)
remove substrate & ornaments & heater
clean tank ( hot water and sponge )
Dry tank
Silicone 3D background in - Leave overnight 24hrs

so once silicone has gone off and 3D background is in place, put new substrate & ornaments in, reintroduce pump & heater, add dechlorinated water, switch on pump, and leave running for a day or two, while testing to make sure theres no mini cycle.

Is there anyone out there with advice to my plan? or should I do something different?


Cant wait to get some fish, been tooooooo long...
All sounds good to me - the 100% water change will dump your NO3 nicely. 24 hours shouldn't hurt your colony too bad either, just give 'em one last ammonia feed again when you're back up and running.
3D background's the way to go, so natural looking - I couldn't go back to poster backgrounds now! A funny smell from the silicone when it's going off is normal in case you didn't know, good luck setting up :)
Thanks Hermithall, Good to know, yeah the silicone i've dealt with in the past stinks of salt n vinegar crisps... its a marine silicone, so all should be good.

should get my very first fish come Thurs :hyper:
What are you thinking of getting?
Yeah, it DOES smell of salt n vinegar crisps! Haha, I knew it reminded me of something, just couldn't put my finger on it..
hey flutter, Im of to get me some fish this afternoon...

my list is, if the LFS has them in stock are :

2 Dwarf Gourami
1 Angelfish
12 Tetra's (can you mix these type? i.e. neons and rummy nose 6 of each)
6 Corydora's
2 Cherry Shrimp

I might not get all that stock straight away, like I say depending on whats in store.

Any views on my selections? I know Angels are known to be a little grumpy towards the smaller, but I am buying all juviniles and hoping they can all get along.

I will post a photo of my tank soon, its all been renovated and i'm liking the new look...

You want to add stock slowly and by least aggressive first.

You can mix tetra, but minimum of 6 of each species you buy.

Have you been feeding your filter with ammonia since it was cycled as well?

How big is your tank?
Yes, can you post the size of your tank? Length/width/height please.
not sure if I'm right, but aren't tetras supposed to go in tanks that have been set up for 6 months or tanks tend to kill them idea why

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