this is day 13 of my fishless cycle in my 56 gal. nitrites spiked on day 3 was off the charts till monday 2 on tue 1 on wed .5 thur and .25 today. nitrates were off the charts till I turned my air pump off and now my plants look healthy and the nitrate is <5. gotta love live plants. my problem is that ammonia is still at 2 and won't come down, should i stop adding it? and my ph from the tap is 6.8 to 7, but the new tank is now at 6, all other tanks are right around 7. should i take the bogwood out? or put my tufa stone in? i am putting angels and my pleco in the tank, hopefully tomorrow after water change and testing. but i don't want to have problems cause they are all in the upstairs tank at ph7 now. thanks for any help you can give me.