Cycle Moving Fast.


New Member
Dec 13, 2009
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The main body of this post is a copy of my last topic but with new info and questions

After a lot of pacience and a 95% water change i have finally got my fishless cycle started again.
I think it stalled after 2 weeks due to low ph (started it on November 23rd)the readings were then the same for the next 3 (so i had almost 5 weeks of the exact same readings) weeks Ammonia 4ppm, Nitrite off the scale, Nitrate 20ppm , added a ph up buffer and still nothing.
I performed a 95% water change 4 days ago which took the readings down to Ammonia <o.25ppm, Nitrite 0.25ppm, Nitrate 10ppm, Ph is 7.4 left everything for a day then dosed ammonia back up to just below 4ppm.
3 Days later and Ammonia is 0ppm (tested 3 times because i just couldn't believe it) , Nitrite is off the scale again (assume i'm in my nitrite spike) and Nitrate is 80ppm, ph dropped down to 7, maybe less. Have added a table spoon of bicarb this time instead of ph up and ph is now at 7.8, which i'm much happier with.

Anyhow thats the back story so now the new info and question.

Dosed the tank back up with ammonia to just below 4ppm yesterday evening, 24 hours later the ammonia is at 0 and the nitrite is also at 0 and nitrate is between 80 and 160ppm.

Is it normal for things to happen so fast after a stall? I have double checked all my test results.

It is quite normal that when things start moving, they move quickly. I would dose it again for a few more days just to be certain that it is continuing to process the ammonia, then start thinking about what to stock first.
Agree, you need to give it some more days. It could be "bouncing around" for a bit (nitrite swinging wildly) or it could be that it will process nitrite down in about 24 hours now and that you are legitimately at the end of your nitrite spike. You need a trend to see that for sure.


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