cyceling new tank


New Member
Apr 19, 2005
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I am new at keeping fish, and I did not know until now about fish cycling. My problem is that even with a 10-15 gal water change everyday my amonia level has ben at 05.0 for three days. I tried fasting the fish yesterday but they all started fighting, my mollies are hungrey. Any sugestions on how to lower the amonia with out messing up the cyceling of the tank?
My tank has just finished. I waited 10 days before any fish were put in. In this time i was putting fish food in to help it along. I then got 10 fishes, quite small/young fish. 5 zebra danios and 5 sunset platies. In the next 3 weeks i went through about 2 bottles of ammonia killing products aswell as cycling products. There were small amounts of ammonia still lurking about during this time. 4.5 weeks on now the tank has cycled and algae keeps growing everywhere, its annoying ;). I need some algae eating fish. My fish are all alive + well and grown! I saw the smallest sunset platy earlier and he wasnt that little anymore :D was a nice shock. I didnt change my water much.. once after a week and then 3 weeks later the next time(the other day) Going to do it every 2 weeks i think.

Dont know about the food, probably just hungry :) as for getting rid of ammonia.. Ammo lock you can buy and is pretty good.

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