Cutting Hood To Fit External Filter Pipes


Team TetraTEC
Global Moderator ⚒️
Aug 19, 2011
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Hey everyone,

Today I have recevied my 200L tank, I am going to be using a EX700 External Filter. I have discovered I will need to trim the rear part of the hood so that the filter pipes fit.

Before I get my dremmel out and start to cut away does anyone have any tips for doing this? Shall I just get it all to fit as tight as possible? or should I leave some room? I was even thinking of buying some think rubber strip to fit under the cutouts so I have a seal round the pipes.

Any advice would be great, I dont want to ruin the hood!! (sorry for the rubbish pictures!)


I'd go for slightly bigger and then use the rubber bead seal, will hopefully help to minimise rub and any vibration if there is any.
take ur time, draw out ur cut line on the plastic, and dremel it. if youre using a high RPM and good cutting wheel, should have no issues.

I <3 my dremmel
hacksaw 2 straight lines and then snap it out to leave a square xD then a bit of black tape to hide any holes you dont want to see

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