Cutting Down On Livebearers


***Corydora Crazy***
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Bristol UK
I've decided to cut down on my livebearers,with over 300 fry in the fry tank its gone haywire within 3 months! :rolleyes:
Just can't keep up with them :lol:

I've decided to sell 3 guppies and 3 platies,to try and cut down on the drops,its a shame i haven't got more room because i love em,but needs must!
It still leaves me with 3 of each fish so i will get few fry :)

Although i'm not sure which fish to replace them with? :unsure:
i read the tittle and thought how dare you get rid of livebearers,but then i read it and yea 300 fri in a few months good choice ,you could get Rarer type of corys and breed them since i know you are good with corys and breeding
Aww, that absolutely *sucks*! :(

Maybe a few neon / other schooling tetras? Or.... Or Bettas? :D A sorority of girls will usually go in quite nice with many livebearers (such as guppies and platies), and males with just platies (and perhaps mollies!). ^^; >8D
some people may not like this, But, if you want to let them breed like crazy in the tank, get a gourami or two! or any other fish with a larger mouth! they will "thin the herd" i have a 32 gal with 3 adult platy breeders and i still get about 1 or 2 every other month that survive to the 1/2 inch size and start swimming with the others. The fry stay hidden very well in the little cracks and crevices throughout the tank.
What type of gourmy

Originally i had a Pearl and a Blue. but now i just have the blue. he is about 4 inches, he can sometimes be a little aggressive though. Next time i think i would really like a Honey Gourami or two. They seem to fit in very well with my live bearers.
Would a Honey Gourami be as good at eating fry.

It has been a while since I have kept Gouramis but I believe that Honey Gouramis are from the family Colisia and Blue / Pearl are from the family Trichogaster, so they are a completely different family of fish.
300 crikey :blink:

i have a betta to keep my lines thinned out, may be worth looking into something then Harlequins - i see only 3 ish a few months!
I have tried the Betta splendens approach Haych. My endlers can produce far more fry than a single male can eat. He even seems to have tired of chasing endlers. Now he sits waiting for me to come by with the food while newborn endlers swim a half inch in front of his face. What can I say, maybe an angel would work but my betta needs to find another job. He is no good at this one.
I have tried the Betta splendens approach Haych. My endlers can produce far more fry than a single male can eat. He even seems to have tired of chasing endlers. Now he sits waiting for me to come by with the food while newborn endlers swim a half inch in front of his face. What can I say, maybe an angel would work but my betta needs to find another job. He is no good at this one.
:p He's

"Retiring" :p

Im trying out angels with guppys

will tell you how it goes :good:
Hmmm an angel might be good,would an angel on its own be ok?

Also i have pygmy cories,would angels attack them?
Angels and cories together are not a problem at all Harlequins. Angels are actually some very efficient ambush hunters. When they hold still they look like just another leaf to a new fry, until they make that short attack thrust and eat the fry.

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