Fish Crazy
Today at anouther one of my many visits to the LFS i was given three candy cane corals, cause they're are half dead. Some polyps look good and healthy but allot are just skeltons. When i bought them they were not looking good at all! this shop sold me a brain coral about 2 weeks ago that lasted about 2 days, and now the rest of there coral stock are dying, so i assume there's something terribly wrong with thier water. Also anouther thing is their tank tempretures were about 31 degrees today, they have no air-cons and it gets really hot here.
I have allready noticed a huge improvement on the corals, a few of the branchs which looked like just skeletons have started to grow flesh (white allmost clear flesh), but some look really really dead, with algea all over. So i'm hoping my natural sea-water and lower temps will bring these guys back to life.
But what i wanna know is should i cut off the dead branches to prevent theme from leaching goodness outa the healthy ones, and is there any chance that a polyp with no flesh will start growning some and come back to life. Any help will be great
I have allready noticed a huge improvement on the corals, a few of the branchs which looked like just skeletons have started to grow flesh (white allmost clear flesh), but some look really really dead, with algea all over. So i'm hoping my natural sea-water and lower temps will bring these guys back to life.
But what i wanna know is should i cut off the dead branches to prevent theme from leaching goodness outa the healthy ones, and is there any chance that a polyp with no flesh will start growning some and come back to life. Any help will be great