Cutting A Juwel Lid Flap Thingy


Fish Maniac
May 1, 2008
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As title, need to cut a square out of my juwel rio lid flap to go around external filter hoses, what should I use? Would a stanley knife work, so I could score out the section I need to remove and then hopefully snap it out?

Anyone done this and how did you do it?

probably somethink like a little dremmel cutter or somethink but if u score a deep enough straight tidy line/s then im assuming should work :)
Dont have a hacksaw hon, or I would used it :lol:

Whats a dremmel cutter?
Dont have a hacksaw hon, or I would used it :lol:

Whats a dremmel cutter?
Ok so you dont have that either. Maybe ask a neighbour then. If you score it and then try and snap it out a few things could happen.

you could snap it but alot more will come off
you could snap it and stab yourself on the plastic somehow

O it will work fine ;p

Id ask a neighbour though!
you dont have a dremmel cutter,,,,
Do you live near a b and q or a hardware store?

My tools are somewhat limited :look:

I do have a b&q nelly, guess I should go ask for one huh? Are they expensive?
If tank has no water in, use a hacksaw. At a push you could use a kitchen knife (JML jobbies that cut through anything) but it will make the edges a big raggy. I did mine with a stanley knife, just kept scoring over the same line until knife went through. I had to do it with knife as i had already filled the tank with water :wub:
Sounds easier, might pad up my hands with something 1st or risk losing fingers :lol:

Oh its not attached lid, you can just take it off, so no worries about that. :)
:lol: Knowing me I will break it in the process, but hacksaw or very sharp knife it is, thanks :)
have you got a sainsburys near you, they have got lots of tools in the january sales.

stanley type knife 24p
hacksaw 49p
hacksaw blades 10p
sandpaper 10p
set of 3 scissors 49p
household tool kit thingys £1.99
Car tool kits in a case (pink or black) £1.29
Electric drill 14.4v £4.99

and lots of other bits, like tape measures and screwdiver sets. Paintbrushes etc all cheap

you could go there and stock yourself a tool kit for a few quid.

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